"I was playing Fallout:New Vegas and came across The Lonesome Drifter. He had a pretty sweet guitar which to my dismay I couldn't equip and play. I came up with a way that could work in that game and in TES.
You equip you'r musical instrument or what have you and hold down the attack button to have you'r character play. Pressing up on the d-pad for the Xbox 360 changed ammo but for this it would change songs. Dancing would work in much the same way. It would have been a great touch.
It would make even more sense for a bard character in TES to have such an ability. It could change the disposition of NPC's, making them like you or affecting their moods making them happier, sadder, angry or braver."
If anyone else has anything to add go for it. Playing a real bard for a change would rock.