Lol. Nothing else in-universe could give you the idea that this theory is flawed. You apply real life scientific theories/laws and applied them to a world where magic exists, which creates a ridiculous list of possibilities and implications.
Good job.

Nothing in-universe gives any evidence that it's anything more than a theory. Which is what it is at it's heart and should be treated as such. Why can't we just accept we don't have the whole truth.
It certainly doesn't suggest any real evidence behind its own claims. As for evidence against it, I have it here; Azura has some connection with a particular star, and one of her symbols is a crescent moon. Why would a Daedra Prince not only be connected with a "bridge to Aetherius" but have the symbol in the image of mortal delusion? Not to mention that both Azura and Hircine's creations have connections to the phases of the moons. Furthermore, Baan Dar, upon closer inspection, is indeed roughly spherical, not just appearing so due to "mortal mental stress"
There's also one other problem; why would vampires be harmed by sunlight in both the Shivering Isles and in Nirn unless the Shivering Isles either orbit Magnus or a similar star?
Science and magic can easily co-exist. Stars, moons, and planets still show magical influence on Nirn. And it still fits into TES better than that contradictory information from that Temple Zero society. I'm not saying that all of it is incorrect, as there is evidence for some of the information contained within. But certainly not for all of it.
And finally, it wouldn't hurt you to actually provide me with counter-evidence for some of my theories, instead standing around calling it ridiculous. After all, in the physical sense, Nirn mirrors Earth in many respects; 24-hour days, similarly sized years and lunar cycles, seasons, climate, atmosphere, fauna (to a degree), a zodiac, eight other planets (at the time the article was written), orbiting a yellow star. Don't pretend like they're completely different.
Crimson Paladin, do you have any evidence suggesting an alternate theory?
Yes, I do. I do not dispute that the planets may represent the Divines or that the moons represent Lorkhan. However, I do have evidence. The seasonal changes, the day-night cycle, the lunar phases, the changes in the night sky over the months, and the fact that gravity pulls things towards the plane one's on, all of this supports my theory.
The planes of Oblivion may be in fact planets orbiting other stars, although the ones seen apparently are mostly oceanic, as is shown with the Deadlands, the Shivering Isles, and Paradise. The Daedra themselves may not be as connected to their realm as the Aedra, hence the fact that the Shivering Isles don't transform immediately after Sheogorath does, but must be conquered by Order.