I'm not fat so I wont make a fat character since I try to put myself into my main character as much as I can.
On my fun character however, I will make one fat viking bastard with an huge axe or hammer and wear nothing instead of pants and helmet with horns!

Only wish they make it possible.
Will there be any children in Skyrim?
I mean, it would be about time they make children run around also.
It simply feels too unnatural to see a world filled with only advlts. :spotted owl:
Also, will there be some old people.
I mean, really old like 'Can you get me my walking stick Billy?' Grandpa, my name is Stan.' 'Eh, what did you say Billy?', and stuff like that.
I always wanted to make some wizard that looks like he's 80 years old or something.

Also, if children are included, it would be kinda cool if I can make myself look like a teen ether.
Not that I will do that, but it would be cool as an option.
Also, for all people who will say that they don't want anime-like children heroes who kick advlt ass, think again.
Back then, children were considered men when they were 13-14 years old and if they didn't kill at least a dozen people by then, they were sissies.