» Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:08 pm
Like others have said consequences are hard to implement in a realistic way. Even in the real world truly evil people sometimes hide in plain sight. And good people go unnoticed so it's hard to expect games to be fully realistic. What we want is not actual a real world effect we want noticeable effects.
I think areas like, who will speak to us, who will trade with us, who will help us, what perks we can take, are all a possibility, for in game effects.
But as all items that are in the game are in the game world the route a player takes to get them should stay open.
Take a cool weapon a NPC has and you want it.
1. You do a quest for them for it.
2. You kill them and take it if you can find it!
3. You buy it from them.
4. You just steal it if you can find it!
5. You kill them and another NPC finds it and you get all of the above choices again.
The item never just becomes unavailable because you made a wrong choice.
I am not a big fan of items locked behind quest barriers. In the real world all items exist, so that means it can be owned.......one way or another.
The only exception would be if a NPC was going to make something for you. Your choices are more limited.
I suppose in theory you have only 2 choices if your evil you have to find something that they love or want and force them to make it for you or pay them a lot of caps,
If your good you would just be their lackey until they agree to do it for you or pay caps. Players in the middle which I expect most end up at some time get to bully, be a lackey or pay for it.
But if possible I also want realistic effects I don't want to steal an item with no witnesses and get painted as a thief as I step out of the door...... And I would like to have a rep but control its growth, by trading on my name, if I don't want to effect my rep I pretend to be a different person for that encounter, with a chance it fails to be convincing and they recognise me if my reps big. So if I am good and want to be evil I disguise myself and do the deed in the hope I don't get recognised, same for evil they can pretend to be good if they want, but their is a chance their attempt fails and they get found out.