Okay so I've been really enjoying the game so far, killing a few bandits etc. But, when it comes to really getting into the quests, it's just too hard and I don't know why :S.
I understood that it would be challenging on the default setting but just to see, I thought I'd downgrade to the Novice difficulty - no difference. I don't get it at all. When I played on Oblivion, Novice was a piece of cake and I could easily breeze through every level of the game.
Here's my current armour and stats. I can't get any more upgrades from anywhere - believe me, I've probably tried every shop and armoury in Skyrim!
Weapon: Axe of Whiterun (Damage: 20, Weight: 21)
Armour: Imperial Officer's Helmet Fine (Armor: 20, Weight: 4), Imperial Bracers Fine (Armor: 13, Weight: 4), Steel Armor Fine (Armor: 37, Weight: 35) and Imperial Boots Fine (Armor: 13, Weight: 8).
Prime example: 3 Hired Thugs come after me and won't leave me alone. I struggle with one of them, get them down to a bit of health and then die myself.
Please help me because right now I'm really not enjoying the game

So what am I doing wrong?