I don't think most people atr upset about the fact that you can become very powerful, but rather that it takes very little to achieve it. If it took 100 hours, days of planning and several hard, long quest-lines no one would complain since then people woul hae deserved it if they got it. Simply exploiting the crafting is too easy.
I think this is the issue, smithing and enchanting for melee players and I think some people with conjuration were playing the game like it was on easy mode, and they didn't really have to try hard to find a loophole in the system or in some cases never even exploited in any stretch of the term or concept. There are just some tactics and builds that are grossly strong, and only get moreso later in the game.
There is always going to be the desire to min/max, but I think if you manage to never gimp yourself in game on building your character or in how you do quests in acquire items the game will just be simply too easy.
they could've just made the game harder but provided more info or recommendations on how not to fuk up your character, maybe if they just QA tested it more or something. RAGE was released not to long ago, and that game did not have a real ending, you killed some typical mobs of NPCs as you always have throughout the game in a shooter, the game goes to an ending cinematic and your done after pressing some button to activate arks, no closure whatsoever, I was expecting another 2-3 hours of gameplay at least left. This is just to me a flaw with this game developer, something they are doing to not make their game feel finished, or simply not finishing it.