Whats up guys?
So, i just made a character like Bronn from GoT and i thought it would be cool if i could be somones follower instead of them being mine.
I dont know, just thought it would be a good topic.
As always,
Whats up guys?
So, i just made a character like Bronn from GoT and i thought it would be cool if i could be somones follower instead of them being mine.
I dont know, just thought it would be a good topic.
As always,
you could follow Talsgar around, or follow Plautis and Salonia..
i don't think either would be very entertaining though..
Could make for an interesting mod.
Imagine a game where you started off in Whiterun and an NPC (who was the Dovakhiin) hired you as a sell sword and attempted to do the main quest using navmeshing and AI systems while you tagged along.
It'd be awesome. Sadly - and I know it's a cliche - Bethesda does seem to be trying to attract the 'we should become the emperor' crowd who think the answer to NPCs being rude to them is a hatchet to the face, so I doubt it'll happen.
Their are some bounty hunter mods out there that help to RP a sellsword. Other than that you could also travel between holds doing work for the Jarls.