I believe I just had my epic moment for this game

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:41 pm

I hear a dragon in the distance, I sprint like a bat out of hell towards the sound of the roar, and there it was attacking some foresworn, no problem I thought, let them wear it down and get pummeled themselves, not as simple as it sounds when a second dragon appeared, so now there is a frost dragon and a blood dragon sharing the sky, normally at this point I weigh up the odds and should make a run for it, but oh no, I just gotta give this a go!, so using the sword of flames I went after the frost dragon first.

Luckily the blood dragon was being kept occupied by the foresworn, the battle with the frost dragon went with ease, I do have a special shout to force them to land, cannot say what as it's a spoiler, anyway I finished off the frost dragon and by this time the blood dragon had turned it's attention toward me, this was quite a bit tougher, I missed with the first shout and the dragon flew up a mountain, I gave chase using sprint and managed to use the shout, hit him this time, for this one I used the sword dragonbane, but he was definitely not going down as easy as the frost dragon, half my health potions depleted fighting him, but I managed to defeat him!

Was it over?, not a hope in hell, as I looked across a valley like area I saw some justicar fighting a dragon, I thought what the hell!, has dragon fertility gone up!, this was the most epic part, not only do I have yet another blood dragon to contend with, but the justicar don't exactly like me, where fools rush in, and I certainly did!, it was a battle with 3 justicar(fortunately no justicar mage) and a blood dragon, Annekka and meeko managed to keep the justicar occupied while I went after the dragon, at this point I'm wondering why my health is falling so rabidly, then I remember I'm only wearing fur armor(superior), so now it was a case of avoidance while using what little health potions I had left, I thought at one point I was going to die, health was low enough for a dragon pick up and throw, fortunately one hefty last blow with dragonbane finished him off just in time, and for the grand finally, a beheading of a poorly low health single justicar.

After all that, I sat back in my chair actually feeling fatigued!

Despite this games problems, when it delivers, it delivers big time!
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:32 am

:tes: No series can create moments like this.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:36 am

Three dragons at once? Wow. That's not suppose to happen. :D
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:33 am

mine was pretty simple. everytime i killed a dragon i always used bows to stay out reach.

but when i finally ran out arrows at one point, and the dragon was low on health, i whipped out my sword and charged.

when i finally defeated it, i did the 'killing a dragon' animation, and it was good lol
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:00 am

Last night I experienced a great cluster&&** of my nord, Aranea, 2 bandits, 2 cavebears and 2 dragons all on the field of battle simultaneously. I roared in laughter as I raced round trying to find something to hit, avoid Aranea and just hope that the other four would realize that the dragons were the bigger danger.

Awesome, epic fun!
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Mel E
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:05 am

mine was pretty simple. everytime i killed a dragon i always used bows to stay out reach.

but when i finally ran out arrows at one point, and the dragon was low on health, i whipped out my sword and charged.

when i finally defeated it, i did the 'killing a dragon' animation, and it was good lol

Lucky you. I only got the finishing move on a dragon twice... and I always used melee on dragons.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:52 pm

Three dragons at once? Wow. That's not suppose to happen. :D
Only two, the third did not appear till I killed the other two, and I only saw the third because I had to chase the one dragon up a hill.

P.S, to make the last moment more awesome, I looked up at the night sky, it was glowing with a blue/purple aurora, I have not felt this satisfied with a game event in a long time.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:14 am

I was exploring west of Riften, just seein the sights and all. I see 2 dragons in the distance so I head on over thinking me and Mjoll have already conquered the world together. It ends up being an ancient dragon and a blood dragon. As we dispatch the blood dragon I turn around and notice the ancient dragon attacking 2 giants and a mammoth. Thinking this is gonna be cake we take out the ancient dragon alongside our huge friends and as soon as it dies I see the giant send Mjoll into the stratosphere (apparently helping giants pisses them off to). A wave of rage and vengeance takes over as I duke it out with the giants and trying not to suffer the same fate as my beloved Mjoll. Finally, I've beaten the giants and take a moment to mourne the loss of my wife / companion when her body lands a few feet in front of me and she takes a second then stands back up with her famous "My father wanted me to be a hunter" story. I couldn't move for like 10 minutes over what had just happened.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:13 pm

mine was pretty simple. everytime i killed a dragon i always used bows to stay out reach.

but when i finally ran out arrows at one point, and the dragon was low on health, i whipped out my sword and charged.

when i finally defeated it, i did the 'killing a dragon' animation, and it was good lol

Got my first today as a hunter as well. Felt real good. rawr

Was a bit shocked to see it play out and couldn't find the Prnt Scrn button quick enough to get the first part so this is from the middle on;
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Red Sauce
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