Luckily the blood dragon was being kept occupied by the foresworn, the battle with the frost dragon went with ease, I do have a special shout to force them to land, cannot say what as it's a spoiler, anyway I finished off the frost dragon and by this time the blood dragon had turned it's attention toward me, this was quite a bit tougher, I missed with the first shout and the dragon flew up a mountain, I gave chase using sprint and managed to use the shout, hit him this time, for this one I used the sword dragonbane, but he was definitely not going down as easy as the frost dragon, half my health potions depleted fighting him, but I managed to defeat him!
Was it over?, not a hope in hell, as I looked across a valley like area I saw some justicar fighting a dragon, I thought what the hell!, has dragon fertility gone up!, this was the most epic part, not only do I have yet another blood dragon to contend with, but the justicar don't exactly like me, where fools rush in, and I certainly did!, it was a battle with 3 justicar(fortunately no justicar mage) and a blood dragon, Annekka and meeko managed to keep the justicar occupied while I went after the dragon, at this point I'm wondering why my health is falling so rabidly, then I remember I'm only wearing fur armor(superior), so now it was a case of avoidance while using what little health potions I had left, I thought at one point I was going to die, health was low enough for a dragon pick up and throw, fortunately one hefty last blow with dragonbane finished him off just in time, and for the grand finally, a beheading of a poorly low health single justicar.
After all that, I sat back in my chair actually feeling fatigued!
Despite this games problems, when it delivers, it delivers big time!