Making paralysis potions is according to many the "best", because it's expensive, thus giving great profit.
Some ingredients:
Note: I'm not listing every ingredient. I'm not including DLC ingredients. 4 -5 ingredients should suffice
I personally use a lot of invisibilty potions.
Thank you Craig for the great words.
What I usually do is from the beginning of the game, after I leave Riverwood, is to start gathering all the ingredients that I need and can grow, and then purchase the others that I cannot grow but also need.
Ingredients that I gather are
Ingredients that I purchase, because I cannot grow them are
Some of the ingredients listed in the purchase list can also be gathered but not grown. When I get to about level 20 I get my house with the fishery, and then I start leveling alchemy. Ones alchemy level should be at least level 40, with 3 perks in alchemist. This can be achieved with the roe and chickens egg which is the easiest. You have to have an equal amount of each, at least 40 of each. For each potion you make with the roe, you will level alchemy one level.
Then I use the following list to raise my alchemy
Sorry if I missed any ingredients. I like the fishery for not only can I produce an abundance of fish, but also an abundance of dartwings. Hope this helps
EDIT A mod needs to move this thread to the cheats, hints and spoilers section.
Very nice list of combos for leveling Ashley! Another combo I use later on is this one
Thanks. Those are the only ones I use, and even though there are other ingredients for some of the potions, I rather be able to grow the ingredients and harvest the fish at the fishery. So much easier and so much less costly. I will buy fish and nirnroot, along with the eggs.
The best place for getting the chaurus eggs is the light house up by Dawnstar. After completing it, I ended up with 425 eggs. lol Plus it re-spawns.
EDIT. Thank you Rohugh for moving the thread.
My strategy is the same. All of my characters are Alchemists by trade. It is a fantastic way to earn septims. I buy fortify alchemy gear as soon as I can afford them and invest perks in the Alchemy and Speech skills right away. Growing your own ingredients saves time and they re-spawn every 24 hours in your garden. I also build Winstad Manor first so I have the fish hatchery. Paralysis and Invisibility are my main poison/potions, same as Ashley.
Thank you Ashley for the location of the chaurus eggs. I did not know about this location even though I have been playing since day one.
Most welcome. I was shocked when I went through that lighthouse. I decided to gather the eggs and my surprise when I saw the count. This was only the 3rd time that I had been there since day 1 of the game, and it had re-spawned on the 3rd time.