I'll start. The magic of hyper-powerful critical hits combined with the cryo gun effect.
I'll start. The magic of hyper-powerful critical hits combined with the cryo gun effect.
I don't have it uploaded, but enemies shooting into the air at death. My bestfriend was playing, shot a raider, and the raider took off into the sky like a rocket. I don't know if he even came down again.
I always like it when I clear out some totally spooky place and some corpses start glitching around and their arms or legs keep moving on the floor
When settlers get stuck on the roof but only because Simpsons references keep popping into my head when it happens. "Hey I can call Sturges from up here. Hey Sturges! Get off the damn roof!"
I killed a raider & as I was about to loot the corpse, his head did a 360 degree turn, which was a bit freaky.
This was kinda disturbing but I didn't take a video. This Raider kept floating after I killed him and his legs were twisting all around while he looked at me.
Once I loaded my character near the Mr. Handy factory and every Mr. Handy and car started ti twist in the air like a tornado and then started to fell on the ground, It was pretty funny to see them being on this twister kind of thing, I just loaded the save again and the glitch didn't happened again.
Deacon, when he changes outfits rapidly...at times I could see his underwear for a brief! second between changes.