» Tue May 07, 2013 9:46 pm
I'd most like to see Azura's realm, but Sanguine's or Vaermina's would be great (these would get my "atmosphere" vote). Malacath, Molag Bal, or Mehrune Dagon's realms would get my vote for "exciting to visit".
I don't see why people would think we know all of the Princes. BGS just popped Jiggy out of nowhere, didn't they? And I don't see why there are lore requirements to a limit. I'm not saying I want new ones, or would be happy to see a new Prince every game, but I don't think it would be shocking to find out there are more.
Unsure about the Lorkhan thing, but it seems to me he'd be considered one of the Aedra, if anything. By defniition, Aedra just means "a Daedroth who helped (or was tricked) by Lorkhan". I'd also like to see/hear more about Mankar Camaron's rant. Myself and most forumites seem to think he was spewing nonsense, but some people believe he was revealing a big secret.