My [censored]
My [censored]
Too each his own, to you it's not, to him it is.
I tend to agree with this. My two personal favorite armors are good old-fashioned steel (with or without pauldrons) and Dawnguard. In my opinion, these look good and can easily reach the armor cap with high smithing.
not really, Miraak's beats it for DPS:
Miraak's sword at 60+ base Damage: 16
Strongest Dragonbone 1h weapon (the mace) base Damage: 17
the Dragonbone Mace is the only 1H weapon that surpasses Miraak's Sword at 60+, but because of the Swing speed of a Sword compared to a Mace, Miraak's sword has substantially more DPS
The two weapons I'm currently using are darned OP:
Weapons added by mods. But, if we speak damage-to-weight ratio: you seek the Scimitar. That, or Windshear.
I like how the first 2 of your posts were avoidable if you had merely thought of your 3rd post first ^.^
What type of weapon are you looking for? Melee or Ranged?
Don't spend too much time worrying about how other people want to play their single player game.
For a warrior, daedric is easily the best.
Find and put some heavy armour and one handed/two handed enchantments for extra effectiveness.
If you really want to become op (which I do not recommend) just use duel dragonbone swords with enchantment glitches.
As far as armor rating goes you can't go higher than daedric.
I've always thought the and look pretty sweet for heavy armor, as well as the As others have mentioned, Daedric offers the best protection - however all armour is capable of hitting the AR cap with the right perks. is nifty - whilst not quite out-DPSing a Dragonbone warhammer it gets close, and it requires far fewer perks. Depending on what enchantments you stick on it (say Absorb Health and Stamina) then I'd say the faster swing speed definitely gives it an edge over Dragonbone regardless of the slightly lower DPS.
In terms of raw damage potential, you wouldn't get better than dual Dragonbone dagger sneak attacks with the appropriate Sneak and One-Handed perks and Shrouded Hand Wraps.
This, depends on whether you play on the vanilla and sadly, still buggy game, or the unofficially fixed and clean game.