» Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:53 am
I've had a total of four followers:
Lydia: Same as everyone, really. She was crabby and quiet and liked to run in front of me as my Warhammer was making its unstoppable descent, but she was still a right badass, and seemed to favor interesting weapons combos. I'll never forget the few hours where she went to town dual-wielding a Staff of Chain Lightning and a Staff of Flames. That was pretty entertaining. We got to be a good pair, she and I. I considered swapping her out a few times, but after awhile, I got pretty attached to the ol' girl. I resolved to stick with her through the bitter end. That is, until I met...
Ghorbash the Iron Hand: I kinda felt bad for him, since he really wanted to leave the Orc stronghold he was stuck in, and head back out for more adventure. Plus, he was an Orc, born to fight, and could probably handle a lot more of my pack-mule artifacts. So, I figured I'd give Lydia and honorable retirement, take her gear, store it, and go back for him. And that's what I did. But he had no sooner agreed to join me when Dushnikh Yal was immediately - and I mean as soon as I backed out of the dialogue tree where I hired him - attacked by a Frost Dragon. At the end, the only three left standing were me, the Chief, and the Smith. Ghorbash died before we could even take a single step together. So, I took that as a sign, and went back for Lydia, who I kept for another week or so. And then she got lost somewhere in the wilds. I just suddenly turned around at one point, and she was gone. "Ah, she'll catch up," I figured. "She always does." Not that time. I never saw her again. She never turned up at Dragonsreach or Breezehome, either. I still sorta miss her. *(Snif.)* Plus, wherever she is, she's got a full set of Legendary Enchanted Dragon Bone Armor I'd kinda like to have back. That is, unless she sold it, bought a little cottage somewhere in Hjaalmarch, and is just hiding out being her OWN Housecarl. In which case: Good for her, then.
Mjoll the Lioness was next. She's a little chattier than Lydia, but also better with weapons, and slightly less prone to suicidal hammer-magnetism. And she's a lot more chipper about carrying my crap, so that's nice. She hung around until she was dismissed by circumstance, when Farkas (or was it Vilkas...?) appointed himself my follower on a particular Companions quest. And after THAT was over with, I made a beeline back to Riften to re-hire her. But, before I did, as long as I was "unattached" at the moment, I ponied up the 500 Septims for the services of...
Marcurio. And I kept him as a follower just long enough to run over and sacrifice him to Boethiah. Yeah, I know. I did it on purpose, though. The others had followed me on honor or principle, but he was just doing it for the coin...And I spare no respect for a sell-sword. Bloody mercenaries. No loyalty at all.
Then I picked up Mjoll again, and we seem set to see this thing out.