give him a Medicine Stick or a Ranger Sequoia with handloaded ammo, and he is death personified.
That, however goes for every humanoid companion. They all have 100 in either Guns or EW at some point, thus producing very comparable results, when given kick-ass weapons..
His maintenance perk is easily the most useful among all companion perks, too.
Strange, I consider it being totally redundant. There's a million ton of weapons available, and you can make 100s of WRKs. So, what's the point?
And I say this, as one who always takes Built to Destroy.
Cass is a close second, IMNSHO. Many people dislike her, and so did I initially, until I realized that I was using her wrong. People forget that Cass has Shotgun Surgeon, which means that she is at her deadliest when armed with something in 12 gauge. Give her a Riot Shotgun with Flechettes or slugs and she is just about the best companion for hunting high DT enemies. Her Whiskey Rose perk can allow you to stack up a considerable DT bonus, which is very beneficial for Couriers who prefer light armor. Her only downsides are a ridiculously low-level default weapon, the lack of "surplus" 12 gauge that could be bought for peanuts and her "love it or hate it" personality.
Cass is my favorite, for the above mentioned reasons. At 100 Survival, a Whiskey and a Wasteland Tequila grant me +12DT, and with Chemist and Day Tripper, they last for ages.
I'd rather don't give her a Riot Shotgun, though. It is a just too ammo wasting weapon for a companion. She does much better with Dinner Bell or a Hunting Shotgun. Combined with Slugs, she becomes a surpringly good long range attacker, and also stops rushing into the enemy.
Plus, she looks gorgeous in Vera's Dress

Boone... people tend to fall in love with Boone for some reason. I think it's a kind of psychological imprinting, since Boone is the first human companion you get, and for a first companion to a low-level, poorly equipped Courier, Boone is the right kind of guy. His perk is somewhat useful for night ops and for hunting ants through the dust screen in the El Dorado dry lake. However, that's all he is good for.
That's all? I think this is pretty much already. Boone is a real game changer early on, allowing you to take on missions that otherwise would be really hard.
Boone's AI is broken, he is overly aggressive to the point of ruining your playing style, his obsessive Legion hatred means you can't go to certain places until you ditch him, and while his personal quest is interesting, there isn't much in the way of reward. Overall, he just doesn't bring enough to the table compared to other possible companions.
I found Boone to be the most disciplined of the companions. His attitude towards the Legion is no secret, and sooner or later you usually find yourself in a conflict with them.
His personal quest is one of my favs in the game, and is reward in itself.
I share your view on the others to a great degree.
My combo is Boone/ED-E early to mid-game, and Cass/ED-E mid to late game, with interruptions to do the companion quests of Raul, Arcade, Veronica and Rex.