Favorite artifact? Why? ( I decided not to make a poll because I've made like 5 already today )
Favorite artifact? Why? ( I decided not to make a poll because I've made like 5 already today )
The polls are fun though~
My favorite one is Molag bal's mace and azura's star.
After that would be spellbreaker for my warrior type character.
@Maxskyrim4- which is your fav?
I personally like Mace of Molag Bal and Azura's star as the mace traps the souls in the star. For pure warrior, I like Ebony Mail, Spell Breaker, and Dawnbreaker, and Masque of Clavicus Vile (Wow, there's a lot more artifacts for warriors than mages!)
I think the black star's best, but I usually go for the regular one (which isn't really worth much) to avoid pissing off Azura.
I've actually never heard of the "black" Azura's star until now. What's the diference between that and the regular star?
it is supposed to only catch Black Souls, but because of a "glitch" it will accept any soul (be it black or not)
so anything you soul trap will fit into the black star
That's pretty cool. I guess I always only picked the regular one on "accident"
I like Dawnbreaker. When chopping through undead its great fun. BOOM!
Except when your a vampire. But yeah. I killed like three Draugr once with one of those booms. Never even hit them with the sword, just the explosion.
I dunno if you're being sarcastic or not, but I actually do prefer Mehrunes Razor. When it works, there's simply no weapon that can give you that "WTF" moment quite the same as Mehrunes Razor can (Well, i suppose the The Wabbajack can but for a different reason). Dragon Priests, ancient dragons you name it, nothing like seeing a full bar of health reduced to nothing in a blink of an eye.
Ebony Mail (love the looks, especially on my Bosmer Cleric) and Dawnbreaker, i just love light-based armor and weapons, especially one that blows undead up.