one of my best dawnguard moments is when harkon explains the vampire lord its just like school for vampires i wish there were more like that
one of my best dawnguard moments is when harkon explains the vampire lord its just like school for vampires i wish there were more like that
i also wish there where a system of lets say ranking because from newbie you go to lord
Forgotten Vale.
I'm not a fan of a lot of indoor crypts so when I exited the cave into the Forgotten Vale. Wow the place was beautiful.
Battle with Arch-Curate Vyrthur. One of the most epic moments in Skyrim.
Defeating Harkon.
I also quite like the variable quests. Jarl's Justice in the White Hall. It's funny sneak attacking the advisor, he turns hostile and all the NPCs in the WH think he's attacking me and turn on him.