Best Elder Scrolls Game

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:24 pm

I wouldn't say i'm disappointed with it really. I knew a lot of the game's shortcomings long before it was released, so there weren't really any surprise let downs (except maybe the overly short faction questlines). Overall, it's a great game and i'm enjoying it a lot. I just don't love it as much as previous TES games.

That opinion could change in a year or so's time though, when some good mods are available.

The main quests are incredibly disappointing.
So I've just decided to avoid them.
Having tons of fun playing a Druid, and wandering the wilderness.
So many random things happen you'd never expect!
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:48 pm


I went back and played Morrowind again, just to make sure.


You're comparing a 10 year old game to a new version of the franchise, it's really not fair to judge Morrowind like that. It's better to judge a game compared to other games available at the time.

When Morrowind came out, it was groundbreaking. The game was so innovative and was one of the first open world games, which led to the popularity of open world games after it. Most of the role playing games that came before Morrowind were very linear.

The world Morrowind presented gamers was HUGE for the time, in both scale and detail. It completely immersed you in an alien world, which no other game that existed at the time could even come close to.

It even introduced you to this alien world in an immersive way, when Jiub wakes you up and asks you his name then you are processed like a prisoner in the imperial jail. Other games just dumped you into a character generator you accessed from the title screen.

It had unique scenery and character design, which was greatly enhanced by a visionary soundtrack by Jeremy Soule.

The atmosphere of Skyrim and Oblivion are similiar to other fantasy game to me, don't get me wrong, I think both games are top notch.

Skywind is great, but Morrowind was groundbreaking.

Also Morrowind didn't crash to desktop every 15 minutes for me. :tongue:
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:54 pm

I'm a bit ashamed that I never tried Arena or Daggerfall, but I guess Morrowind will always be my favourite TES game. Many Morrowind detractors love to point out our nostalgia when it comes to preferring Morrowind, but they always forget we come up with reasons. Oblivion was a HUGE step down for me, and Skyrim managed to be a strong step up from it, but it still doesn't come particularly close to Morrowind.

Oblivion's biggest problem was definitely the level scaling, which Skyrim fixed. Having every enemy from everywhere level up the same time as you, not taking into account which attributes or skills you leveled up in the process was incredibly stupid. I don't think I need to remind everyone the reasons. And for this, Skyrim brings back memories and a certain feel from Morrowind. Get too far off the road early on, and it becomes dangerous fast, get almost killed (if not killed) or get several diseases. I haven't played enough of Skyrim yet, but it might be better than Morrowind on the adventure aspect. The environment is also a lot more exciting than in Oblivion and is just great for exploration. They even brought artifacts back! But there's less of them, and it seems there's no random dungeon with artifacts anymore, that they are all quest related, even if they are not from daedric quests, but it's still a big step up from Oblivion here.

But being brief here, Skyrim's problem compared to Morrowind is the RPG and quests aspects. I liked the attributes and astrological signs the way they were, I loved when you had more weapons type, more armor types and pieces. Spears or throwing stars anyone? Nobody liked to no use a pauldron or to find the left and right ones of the daedric set? Morrowind had much more quests and factions too. I'm glad that we have something like the bard's guild or that you can join the imperial legion again (or fight it), but I think there still could be more, and longes quest lines too. I mean, in Morrowind there was the Fighter's Guild, the Mages guild, the Thieves guild, the Morag Tong, the Imperial Legion, the Imperial Cult, all 3 Houses, the Tribunal Temple and all 3 vampire clans. You could have a very specific character type and have plenty to do, guilds could conflict too. Even if the Telvanni Great House was the one for mages, they despised the Mages guild. The Imperial Cult and Tribunal Temple are similar guilds, but aimed either for the lovers of the Empire or the Tribunal, or for those who just cared about adventures. Plus the miscellaneous quests, Morrowind feels like an endless game even if you did go through every (and couldn't) factions unlike Oblivion. It's hard to judge in Skyrim, but it sure is better than in Oblivion but I bet it's not at the same level as Morrownid. And to progress through factions you had skills you needed to be at a certain level.

And something some people will throw me rocks at. Voice acting. Get rid of voice acting in dialogues (only). We all loathed it in Oblivion, but while it's certainly better in Skyrim, it's still a big weight on the game that makes it more simple than it should be. Sure, keep all the voiced lines when not directly speaking to someone, Morrowind had that and it greatly helped with immersion. But you don't even hear your own voice, it's not necessary to hear NPCs do all theirs. It's at these moments you can get bothered by the same actors popping up or when the acting isn't all that good. Sometimes you just hope people spoke faster too. BUT, the big thing here, is the amount of dialogues. I can understand why you can't talk to everyone in Skyrim, and I have no problems with this after playing Oblivion, but there's a reason for this. In Morrowind, you could speak to everyone, ask everyone about their backgrounds, ask everyone about rumors and such, everyone. You could ask people in a city about finding some place there. Quest givers would give you real directions to go somewhere, tell you what you need to find and where, rather than telling you to find some item, its location only getting displayed after you get the quest and being visible on the map. I'll return to the journal and this aspect of quests later. So, in Oblivion and Skyrim, you can only talk to important people about very specific things, because you'd have to record countless of lines otherwise and it just can't happen. For a system like in Morrowind, you can still have some more voice acting outside dialogues, but if you want more quests, more dialogues, more everything that is related with a discussion, it only costs programming those lines in the game, rather than record every single one of them with different voice actors if necessary. That makes for longer questlines and more factions, among other things. For example, something I loved about one of my Morrowind playthroughs.

Got in the Seyda Neen trade center, talked to some random imperial about rumors, and he told me some fools lost an important ring in a ruin along the bitter coast. No journal entry, no go fetch me this, just a rumor I asked for. Being curious, I left Seyda Neen and followed the bitter coast, first ancestral tomb I find, I enter it. At the very end, in an urn, I find the ring, which was an artifact. Unrelated to a quest, only found it from a rumor. And some artifacts require you to just stumble upon them. It seems since Bethesda got more renown and look at their games and game development through different eyes, they fail to see some of the little things that helped make Morrowind so great, like this. Some call this nostalgia.

As for the journal, I loved it when it was actually a real journal. You know, a book where you write your thoughts or information you need, not a quest log. I don't want to see ''quest completed'' or ''active quests''. A quest is completed or active when I deem so. I also want to be able to sell or drop quest items I don't care about. And I want to be able to kill anyone if that means scraping up a questline, it only means the game, the world is more dynamic, real and responsive. For the map, I want a real map, and I don't want it filled with the location of every single cave there. I want to be able to mark locations myself, and unless someone knows the more or less specific location, I don't want it on my map. If someone mentions me Azura's shrine, does it means he knows where it is? I loved when the quest giver would give me directions to follow, or refer me to someone/somewhere for them. I think that since Oblivion Bethesda removed some of the most interesting aspects of adventuring. And I was forgetting, fast travel. Won't get into the laundry list of reasons why it svcked and why it svcked ignoring it in Oblivion, but they almost totally fixed that in Skyrim. Carriages are back, which is neat, and I love that you can ask about the cities, but you should be able to travel by boat or use teleportation from the jarl's mages too. Almsilvi or Divine intervention too, mark and recall...

I like the implementation of perks, but I think they took too many skills away. Why can everyone swim? It could be at least a perk or something. Maybe a heavy or light armor perk to be able to swim with these armors? What about climbing? What about acrobatics and athletics? Spears?

I didn't want this to be this long, but in short, Morrowind is the best, Oblivion the worst, but Skyrim takes a step back with two (or three) steps forward, it gets relatively close to Morrowind's level of quality. Some aspects of the game are good or almost as good as ever, while some other aspects are either non-existent or less well made.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:48 pm

So far i like Skyrim a lot more than Oblivion. I like the world design. The landscape, the cities and the characters are more believable than in Oblivion. The dungeon design has also improved. And the dragon attacks are more exciting than the oblivion gates which i found rather annoying after a while. I did play all the Elder Scrolls Games starting with Daggerfall, which was nice but i hated the huge and empty randomized world. I have fond memories of Morrowind because it was so dark and exotic. Still, so far i like Skyrim the best. Except for that annoying digital stop and go shadows...
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gemma king
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:04 pm


Most quality content, best gameplay, best story writing.

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Ashley Campos
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:54 pm

I would have to say Morrowind. Skyrim comes pretty close though, so after more mods get released I think Skyrim could easily beat Morrowind.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:54 pm

My first ES game was Daggerfall, an absolute groundbreaking benchmark in RPG games imo.. I fell in love with atmosphere and the overall FREEDOM in the game, the size etc.. Such an ambitious project for the time. 100% amazing.

Morrowind was awesome, I remember installing it for the first time and looking up at the clouds/sky and was in awe...

Oblivion had some of the most amazing quests, coupled with amazing graphic... Dark brotherhood quest lines, thief’s guild, arena... the night mother statue... UNREAL.. Loved it. So far it to me, had some of the best quests to date in ANY game. (still need to dig deeper in Skyrim)

Skyrim, wow just STANDING around in this game world is awe inspiring... I cannot believe the DETAIL to the game world, coupled with the excellent combat... the landscape is UNREAL, I'm not really far in.. But I'm SO VERY much enjoying it... All in all, Bethesda never lets us down with the Elder Scrolls series... they are BY FAR my favorite games.. No doubt about it.. They encompass the epitome of a RPG-Action/Adventure. And I will always be a loyal customer.

If I HAD to put these wonderful games in order it would be like this.. (I hate doing it!!! I love them all!!!!)

1. Daggerfall/Skyrim/Oblivion
2. Morrowind

I refuse to rank them out of first place, when Ive enjoyed them so much.. I put morrowind second, because it didn’t have that much of an impact as the others did to me.

But I have to say (and it’s still very early), Skyrim is insane.. and I'm having a absolute blast!!!

Thank you Bethesda, for the ultimate gaming experience if you guys didnt make these games.. there would be a unquestionable void in my personal gaming no doubt about it.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:51 pm

Some may consider this flaming, but it's not. I keep seeing people calling Morrowind groundbreaking. What on earth was so groundbreaking about Morrowind? Only thing I can imagine is that it was a western RPG that came out on consoles.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:21 pm

Morrowind cultures,places and atmosphere is the best TES game for me !!!!!
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:25 am


I went back and played Morrowind again, just to make sure.


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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:28 am

I would have to say Morrowind. Skyrim comes pretty close though, so after more mods get released I think Skyrim could easily beat Morrowind.

Aye, when the creation kit is released Skyrim is going to become so much more fun for me. Until then I'll be going with Morrowind.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:31 pm

Some may consider this flaming, but it's not. I keep seeing people calling Morrowind groundbreaking. What on earth was so groundbreaking about Morrowind? Only thing I can imagine is that it was a western RPG that came out on consoles.

You obviously did not play it at the time.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:15 pm


Most quality content, best gameplay, best story writing.

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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:42 am


Daggerfall was my first Elder Scrolls game, and the one I spent the most time in. I loved that you could just keep on going in that game...there was no point at which you'd really done everything.

Skyrim is the best of the 3D games, they fixed most of the stuff that bothered me about Oblivion, and it's updated enough that Morrowind can't compete with it.

Morrowind is the game I spent the second most time in, and I enjoyed it way better than Oblivion.

Oblivion was the biggest gaming letdown of all time. I played it for about 50 hours total since it was released. I've already put that much time into Skyrim and it's only been out for a little more than a week.

Arena gets the shaft here because I felt like Daggerfall did everything better, and I played Daggerfall first, so my memories of Arena are me thinking that I should be playing Daggerfall instead.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:00 pm

You obviously did not play it at the time.

I played it at the time. It was the same time when Gothic had just come out (a morrowind style game with an immensely engaging world that had things like NPC scedules that Oblivion would advertise 4 years later). The same time as neverwinter nights (with it's toolkit), years after stuff like baldur's gate/fallouts etc.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:45 am

The elder scrolls franchise ended in 2002.

Ugh... But this true or false...

Elder Scrolls is a masterpiece in the infinite. :)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:48 am

Skyrim by far is the best and my favorite TES game! :foodndrink: :celebration:

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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:26 pm

95% skyrim
92% Morrowind
83% Oblivion

but with mods Oblivion is around 93% goodishness

dunno but skyrim has more like morrowind.. it feels this way!

and MW was my first ES game.. so i am still in love with morrowind
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:57 am

Right now, it looks like Skyrim is edging out Daggerfall for my top spot. But really it's a slim margin between Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:16 pm

If the NPCs actually moved around and did stuff other than stand in one static position (or walk back and forth between 2 - 4 nodes) it would be my favorite.

Skyrim is about as in-depth in the places where it should be as Morrowind, and the fact that the AI is much more fleshed out and actually have lives (even more so than Oblivion) makes it my personal favorite of the series.

Now, if they combined Morrowind's range of weapons and items, with Daggerfall's map size and the graphics of Skyrim and improved the current AI, it would be the best game ever and no other studio would be able to compete. Even Bethesda would need to close it's doors, because they would never be able to capture that same epicness again, destroying gaming as we know it. :P
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luis dejesus
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:57 pm

Morrowind is the best game from my childhood, and Skyrim is now the best game of my advlt life. I could not tell you which I think is better.

Now, if they combined Morrowind's range of weapons and items, with Daggerfall's map size and the graphics of Skyrim and improved the current AI, it would be the best game ever and no other studio would be able to compete. Even Bethesda would need to close it's doors, because they would never be able to capture that same epicness again, destroying gaming as we know it.

Please, not that. I don't want to be forced to use fast travel again. Pushing on a control stick/W key gets boring after a while, and with Daggerfall's size that could be hours.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:13 pm

I played it at the time. It was the same time when Gothic had just come out (a morrowind style game with an immensely engaging world that had things like NPC scedules that Oblivion would advertise 4 years later). The same time as neverwinter nights (with it's toolkit), years after stuff like baldur's gate/fallouts etc.

Oddly enough, as I play Skryim I keep thinking "This is what Gothic 3 was supposed to be".
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:07 pm

The elder scrolls franchise ended in 2002.

What an ignorant statement.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:19 pm

My roots go as far as Daggerfall. For me, Skyrim takes the cake. Morrowind was always Number one for me until Skyrim came out. I just played Morrowind recently, and I'll tell you REALLY need mods for that game to be great game...otherwise, it's just a good game (alot of technical problems and the npcs and atmospere are lifeless). Morrowinds setting is the only plus over Skyrim for me. Initially, I would also would have said the mood as well...but both are just as dark. So both are equal in that department. But Skyrim is the first TES game that I have played that doesn't need mods at realease to be a great game. So to me, that sets Skyrim above Morrowind.


Cannot comment on Arena, for I have not played it yet.

EDIT: I just wanted to say that Daggerfall, Morrowind and Skyrim to me are such good games that really....none pull far and away from each other. Each game has their own personality and charm that I could play each game again and again... What I'm saying is Skyrim didn't invalidate Morrowind or Daggerfall for me. Morrowind Wont Invalidate Skyrim or Daggerfall etc etc Either...But Oblivion...Well...It will collect dust.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:34 pm

It will depend on what you understand by "best".
Technically? Obviously Skyrim
Promninent as a landmark in the industry? Morrowind
Story-wise? Down to personal taste
If I had to choose though I'd take Morrowind without any doubt. Mediocre console ports are the bane of PC gaming, and I think Oblivion was a forgettable title anyway.

I couldn't bring myself to finish Oblivion due to the poor story (imo) and quest glitches that were never addressed on Xbox. (I have it for PC now)

My favorite is Morrowind. The original, truly the Goliath of its time and one of the best games I will forever go back to play again and again.
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