Spray 'n Pray just eats up ghouls and wasteland critters so well. It's so useful against nuisance enemies i always carry it.
Bonus instant atomic fireball when you shoot up a vehicle behind the ghouls in the street, too.
Shotgun that shoots an additional projectile. I was at lvl 22 or something when I got ti and after modding it did 200+ damage, and that's a lot for lvl 22. Puts Overseer to shame with only ~130.
Generally use my Lucky Missile Launcher(fully modded.) also have a Poisoner's Missile Launcher.
pity shotguns get the least from the extra projectile. I got that mod on a laser rifle, and it was quite strong, but shotguns already shoot multiple projectiles. My shotgun adds plasma damage, so its fun to turn people to goo with it.
So far those are my favorites. I want to find a gause rifle with pretty much anything too, though doubleshot would probably be best, I havent gotten a gause rifle legendary drop yet
I got a kneecapper, but it was on a fatman, which seems kinda pointless
Speaking of pointless, a gamma gun with +50% vs ghouls....the legendary system could do with a few parameters on what some of the mods show up on. And about 50% as many melee weapons. I get more of them than anything else.
I'll still pick the Overseer's Guardian, such a versatile weapon. Gauss is too slow, and the design.... . Makes me mad looking at it considering how much screen space it takes.
I pretty much use spray n pray and the mighty minigun (+25% damage)
I just found an Instigator/Troublemaker Super sledge that does double damage to enemies at full health, then shortly afterwards I saw a super sledge on a vendor that had the best upgrade, the Stun Pack, so I slapped it on and now I think it's one of the best melee weapons in the game. Tooltip is bugged with Big League 5 but the tooltop is something like 135 + 32 energy. So x2 that.
Pretty good. Pretty, pretty pretty.... pretty good.
I have only found 2 so far that I think are good. I only play on hard difficulty at the moment. I received my fair share of crap legendary armors and weapons.
#1 - Plasma Infused 10mm pistol = Great, but I never liked the "goo-ified" effect from Fallout 3 so I have not used this weapon yet. When the GECK comes out I'm gonna modify all energy weapons to disable ash piles and goo puddles.
#2 - Assault Rifle with additional projectile = Great, but it is a relatively heavy weapon. I prefer to keep my standard carry weight relatively low at 66 so that I can haul more junk and stuff. Current max capacity w/o any bonuses is 260.
I am currently using a legendary pipe rifle that reduces action points cost by 25%. Great for VATS, but pipe refiles can only do so much damage even with Gun Nut 4 mods.
I wish the Irradiated Minigun did the same damage to my foes that it did to me when the s.o.b. legendary raider I took it from used it. He was down in the thicket excavations quarry and this stream of minigun fire comes up "BRAAAAAAAAAP" and my freaking health meter goes from green to almost all red with all the rads.
I use it on raiders and it seems to svck just like the normal minigun.
Ooh. Staggering 10mm pistol. It's not powerful at all, but it's hilariously fun seeing such a small round stagger Deathclaws and Behemoths. You can kill them slow by playing "keep away" with them until you eventually blow one of their legs off , rendering them lame and vulnerable for the kill of your choosing. Let's see...a knife, a bat, bare handed? A sadist's dream
I love taking out Behemoths with a small knife (or was it a machete?) at level 7. Freakin' hilarious. Blocking their melee attacks is so easy that it gave up trying to attack me and just constantly block my attacks, which didn't help them very well due to the bleeding damage.
Assuming there's a little space between you and whatever you're shooting at... It is without a single doubt that the big boy is the best gun in the game. It absolutely annihilates everything.
It's also very versatile. You can max out heeavy gunner, demo expert, or both and it automatically kills everything in the game in "one" shot (even mirelurk queens and mythic dclaws).
I think an explosive combat shotgun is easily the best weapon in the game. Super broken I'm almost sure they gotta fix that every pellet gets the damage lol.
Oh. My favorite would be a .44 pistol with the fire damage effect. That effect coming out of a badass pistol is just amazing feels.
Overseer Guardian in 308 suppressed with Mister Sandman and Ninja perks = OP.