My main character is a Ghoul, but I'm right now on my Raider. Either way I like Ghouls so I hang around them no matter who I am. I think I'll give that Charon mod a look, I normally don't like Charon because of his already near invincibility to common enemies.
I've also heard alot about Jessi, but never actually tried. From what I've heard, there are alot of options for her.
Yeah I use the Jessi companion mod and sometimes the Kelsey (her older sister) companion mod when I get in over my head. I use FWE and MMM, so for me at least there are areas where I die fast if I go there by myself. All my other "companions" just sit at which ever home I'm currently useing, since I usually solo anyway, and for me more than two companions in combat can be tedius. Although sometimes it's fun to bring an "army"
With Jessi though, never use the guard here option, there is a bug that sometimes makes her dialog menu freeze after that order is issued. Then you have to disable the mod, start the game, save the game, quit the game, enable the mod, and rehire her to fix it. Sounds like a pain I know, but just ignore that one order and she should be fine.