Anyone have any tips for on getting better Fortify Alchemy equipment for a Level 1 character?
I have Enchantment, Alchemy and Smithing to 100 each. I can't get perks in any of them though, so it's just 100 skill with zero perks so I can stay at level 1.
I've managed to grab a Ring, Bracers and Necklace that give 12% boost to Alchemy a piece. I had a helmet but traded it in for Krosis to get the 20% Alchemy boost.
I got it to total to 56%.
In an unpatched game (which is what I'm playing with btw) you can have both a Falmer Helmet and Krosis mask equipped at the same time, so if that pan's out (I'll need to loot it, because buying or crafting one at Level 1 isn't happening.) I'll be able to finagle 68% total.
I can take my 12% ring and work towards trading it for Muiri's Ring which is 15%, that would bring me to 71% (That's with the Falmer Hat, too.).
Dwarven Armor of Eminent Alteration is glitched an apparently gives an Alchemy boost too, but that doesnt' do me any good because I think it's a auto generated piece of equipment (??) shopkeepers foist on us.
What I have now listed below,
Ring of Pure Mixtures (12%)
(I can upgrade with Muiri's Ring which is 15%, if I do the Dark Brotherhood questline, which I'd rather not do because I was hoping to take my character in another direction but I'll do it if I can't get it higher)
Necklace of Minor Alchemy (12%)
(I think this is the best I can do, for now.)
Krosis (20%)
(I can dual equip Krosis with a Falmer Hat of Alchemy, another 12%. I don't even know if this is possible though, I read it on the Wiki and as far as I can remember it's been a tad misleading lik anything else out there but never totally wrong. If it says it can happen it probably can.)
Hide Bracers of Minor Alchemy (12)
(Like the Necklace, I don't know what else to do.)
With the Fortify Restoration/Enchantment exploit I was able to get my Alchemy to 89% (total between all 4 pieces of equipment, 23/23/23/20(Krosis didn't seem to want to go up like the others, but it's still better than the helmet it replaced. I think with the Falmer Hat and Muiri's Ring I'll finally be able to break 100%, even if it's just barely and it won't go much higher than that I'm perfectly fine with that.
I've only been playing the game for two weeks or so and I haven't really done any of the main quest (and I don't want to, not while I'm experimenting) so I may be missing something here, something that might help me get what I'm trying to do done. Please, if you have any tips on how to get this higher for me while also staying at Level 1 lay them on me.
I know leveling and taking perks will make everything easier, but I'm sticking with the Level 1 character and trying to see what kind of handicap that puts on the game. I'll get the 15% brotherhood ring and Falmer Hat then try again, take what I can and move onto the next experiment if this is the best I can do.