Thankfully most of those things will be available in mod form. Shaders and parallax occlusion at least, though a bit hacked in they still look great.
I do wish Bethesda would just assaign 1 or 2 people to make better shaders and what-not for the PC version, but sadly consolitis and greediness will prevail over what some of the customers want. Too bad really, but at least Bethesda promotes and allows us to make the changes on our own. :thumbsup:
Nonono parallax occlusion mapping is really complex. That's definitely something modders most likely would never be able to add.
Shaders, yes. That is something we MIGHT be able to add. They still need to hacked in as you say. And that requires a graphics extender. That can take years to come out, if ever. I think shademe said (or someone else) that modders stopped being able to understand what Bethesda did with FO3. Now that they got this whole new engine, it's probably going to be even more difficult.
We already got DoF (distant blur only though it seems, generally) in Skyrim, which is good. Not sure about SSAO. Other than that, what shaders can modders add? I can't think of any more
It's really hard though, I know that.
I hope Timeslip will help with Skyrim. He and shademe and Ethatron and tomerk along with other graphics extender modders could probably do quite a bit together.
While we know console hardware is partly the reason, we shouldn't really blame consolers. We should more blame Microsoft and Sony