» Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:35 pm
I'm a person who always favors looks over stats.....I actually prefer the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle over Christine's Sniper Rifle, cause it looks cooler and sounds cooler...and technically the Gobi does more damage because it has a much bigger critical damage than Christine's Rifle, even though Christine's rifle does a lot more basic damage.....it also annoys the hell out of me when I sneak and the long barrel clips into the ground and rocks.
I don't really like the look of the 1st recon beret, I think it's the bright red color that urks me, cause why in the world would a sniper wear a red beret....it's like telling your enemies hey!!! I'm over here.
I actually prefer a sledgehammer or Knock Knock over Oh Baby!....just cause, unless I'm playing a power armor dude, the super sledge doesn't seem to fit right.
Oh and the Lobotimite goggles and mask has a DT of 5 which is huge for headgear, I would still wear it even if it had no DT or bonuses, it's just looks too bad ass to pass up.