Best Head Gear

Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:56 pm

This is seriously the best head gear ever....Lobotimite Goggles with Mask. Look how perfect it looks with my light blue scalp and Joshua Graham's Armor. I don't care if it takes away 2 intelligence, I have the night person perk anyway so it somewhat negates that.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:08 pm

But it doesn't look as awesome as the desperado cowboy hat.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:04 pm

^that thing is way to big.

Nothing Beats a Hazmat Dark Cowl, and wearing the Stealth Suit MK II... thats the ultimate look. If I didn't delete my "Ghost" Character I'd show a screen shot.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:41 am

^that thing is way to big.

Nothing Beats a Hazmat Dark Cowl, and wearing the Stealth Suit MK II... thats the ultimate look. If I didn't delete my "Ghost" Character I'd show a screen shot.

I am so looking forward to getting that for my psycho albino killer.

I wonder how much of his huge head will be exposed, outside of the helm texture?
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:00 pm

Do you mean best as in looks or practicality? I think the 1st Recon Beret is the best practical head gear, but for looks alone I still really like the look of the Veteran Ranger Helmet.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:03 pm

Every time I play, I always rock the 1st Recon Beret and Sunglasses.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:53 pm

Every time I play, I always rock the 1st Recon Beret and Sunglasses.

Ditto :cool:

Although I have begun to mess about a bit with some other gear during my DID runs. I still think it simply looks the best on my chars.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:35 pm

I'm a person who always favors looks over stats.....I actually prefer the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle over Christine's Sniper Rifle, cause it looks cooler and sounds cooler...and technically the Gobi does more damage because it has a much bigger critical damage than Christine's Rifle, even though Christine's rifle does a lot more basic also annoys the hell out of me when I sneak and the long barrel clips into the ground and rocks.

I don't really like the look of the 1st recon beret, I think it's the bright red color that urks me, cause why in the world would a sniper wear a red's like telling your enemies hey!!! I'm over here.

I actually prefer a sledgehammer or Knock Knock over Oh Baby!....just cause, unless I'm playing a power armor dude, the super sledge doesn't seem to fit right.

Oh and the Lobotimite goggles and mask has a DT of 5 which is huge for headgear, I would still wear it even if it had no DT or bonuses, it's just looks too bad ass to pass up.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:24 am

I choose both, looks and performance. I will take a "basic" looking rifle that does more damage has Higher critical rate over another rifle that is a just a pinch more accurate has no silence capability and just has a new paint job.

the Stealth Suit Mk II not only looks cool but is extremely effective for Snipers, and with the darklight Cowl helmet you will have a "Night Vision" Capability in which the only other thing that can offer that is a chem.

Wearing the Stealth Suit MK II and Darklight Cowl , Armed with the Christines Sniper Rifle... It will be hard pressed to find a better set up for night raids and Sniping, once day light comes. Simply switch to Boones Beret and Lucky Shades... This was a very effective set-up but... after using it for a week I got hated how board I got from the ease of taking out targets with no problems.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:20 pm

I choose both, looks and performance. I will take a "basic" looking rifle that does more damage has Higher critical rate over another rifle that is a just a pinch more accurate has no silence capability and just has a new paint job.

The Gobi is more than a paint job, when your sniping and get a critical hit, it will do more damage than Christine's rifle, especially with the Better criticals perk. Critical mulitpliers are pointless with sniper rifles since your trying to get a sneak attack critical with them anyway, and the silencer is only useful if your somewhat close to a target, otherwise it makes no difference.

I'm not even gonna comment on the Tron Suit. I'll just get in trouble.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:19 am

For Look i prefer the Armored Vault 13 suit and either the bandana or slave scarf(i only play female characters).
For practical i use Boone's beret and Joshua Grahams armor
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:34 am

i love the desert ranger helm the green eyes appeal to me more even though the low light/night vision doesnt work without a mod and i laugh everytime i read "forgive me mama". it has some sort of vietnam appeal to me.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:43 pm

The Gobi is more than a paint job, when your sniping and get a critical hit, it will do more damage than Christine's rifle, especially with the Better criticals perk. Critical mulitpliers are pointless with sniper rifles since your trying to get a sneak attack critical with them anyway, and the silencer is only useful if your somewhat close to a target, otherwise it makes no difference.

I'm not even gonna comment on the Tron Suit. I'll just get in trouble.

I'd Still take a silenced sniper rifle. Ability to lay down Multiple Hits before an Enemy is even alerted. For a Larger target the gobi has a slight edge but picking of Humans, I'd still go with Stealth and Silence.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:44 pm

I'm liking the Assassin Suit actually. Before that I was using Joshua Graham's Armor.

Doh! This is a headgear thread. I will leave my mistake here for the world to laugh at though.

I'm a fan of the Traveling Merchant Hat. It just looks like it belongs in that world and it goes with the colors on the Combat Armor and NCR Armor.
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