For me, the quickest way to legendary a skill is to farm Block using a shield with the giants at Guldun Rock. Obviously I kill one and leave the other alive, and when I get low enough on health I just run into the nearby cave to heal and/or wait. I do this to level so I can train 5 skill levels in something else, sprinting away when I do gain a level. It actually goes pretty quick (maybe an hour to cycle though another round of Block with the Lover/Warrior stone combo on Aetherial Crown and you raise several levels during that time) but it helps to be high level with good armor and heath enchantments. I think the most I've ever raised Block was 14 times with my level 101 Breton).
Another good way is to farm Conjuration by soul-trapping a corpse. That goes quickest if you have Conjuration/Magicka enchantments of course. Any other ideas? You guys do anything else?