Yay, a dragon priest!
This is a very good picture I think. And you don't have to be young to look good in my book.
Yay, a dragon priest!
This is a very good picture I think. And you don't have to be young to look good in my book.
My Nord looks a bit like him. Though I chose absolutely no hair on his head. Same facial hair, too. Mine wears Steel armor and a mage hood.
I think yours looks much nicer than mine, though I haven't taken any screenies yet.
My high elf probably wouldn't be allowed. The very first mod I installed was a face texture to get rid of the alien-look that I don't like.
Still, I'll try and remember to take a screenie of my Nord tonight and post him.
I applaud your taking on this task Dovah, and I don't want to add to your workload but...
I think you should have two categories: Modded and Vanilla.
Bodolf Storm-Blade:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bVM-tqRdnhc/UFRJw6Sfw7I/AAAAAAAAAFM/9mw4aCGYFE4/w580-h435-no/100_1163.JPG Going with this one as my main due to recommendation.
My character are already good looking but your reaction betrays you and the way you think how bad the vanilla game is. Pity.
What I wanted to say is that people think like you, that the vanilla game is bad, and they would vote for any modded character and certainly not for non modded ones, even if they look good. That's why I prefer two threads, instead of only one, like they did for the ladies.
I think you're over-reacting. He's saying simply that you can make great looking characters on the console and pointing to michaelpk's as an example of that (Michael plays console so no mods for him).
He's my hack-and-slash, sword-and-shield character. For the Empire!
http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1371817919.jpg - http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1371817933.jpg
http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1371817977.jpg - http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1371817967.jpg
What's there to lose? Pride? We're doing this for fun.
BTW, your Khajiit is bad-ass.