Alright we finally have the poll for best looking male characters in Skyim. Sorry for the long wait Per Hevnoraaks suggestion I have made two separate categories for modded and unmodded characters to make the competition fair. Make sure you view ALL the pictures of the character submitted by each contestant before making your vote.
For those who are contestants, some of you wrote descriptions for your characters and for the others who didn't I added some in. If you want me to change the description of your character to whatever you want then please let me know.
Also everyone especially Pistorlero, DeanG, Lupov and An1m4tion should let me know if I put you in the wrong section. It took forever to figure out where to put you guys. Sorry if there are any mistakes.
Modded characters(with Mods that are lore friendly only) made by Yours Truly A True son of Skyrim who took Whiterun from Balgruuf by beating him in BALLIN! by Pistorlero An Ex-mage killed in a horrible deleting accident R.I.P made by Brodor_fisk A Dunmer mercenary and freedom fighter hailing from the exotic and strange land of Elsweyr made by DeanG The Great Khal and the Stallion who will mount the world made by Monkeyemoness An "disillusioned hero" with grey morality. A man of his times. made by Hevnoraak Servant of Auriel, destroyer of Savages and harbinger of the Falmer back to finish what wasn't done 4500+ years ago. made by ActionHitman(FIN) A plump Argonian known for his kindness and fairness made by Aurora Winter A handsome Imperial Thief exploring a ruin by Talyn82 A Forswon shaman who will take back the Reach for his people made by Elf Lord A Nord with an amazing warpaint made by Lupov A Phlegmatic Breton Mercenary who enjoys his bread by Ordun An "" Khajiit. Yes I know it's a picture, but Ordun viking'd me with my own rules. made by dragonhero A Redguard Blade who swears retribution upon the Thalmor
Unmodded characters made by michaelpk The "Tenth Divine" and apparently the incarnation of Redguard perseverance over infidels made by ColonelKillabee A true son of Skyrim who makes Imperials go home crying and a great bard. made by Dinrauko A legionnaire in dedicated service of the Empire and known to be visceral in battle. made by ladyonthemoon A gruff Khajiit ready to knock out the next milk-drinking fool made by Haggar A true Nord with unparalleled defiance for the Thalmor made by Celan A dunmer nightblade with a fierce gaze by Over-Kill A die hard Stormcloak supporter by 9906anke A true son of Skyrim who resembles Ulfric himself by Penitus Oculatus A member of the Penitus Oculatus who foiled the Dark Brotherhood's plans and destroyed them. made by STX A Nord who loves the Riften tavern made by An14ti0n A Nord hunter strolling the wilderness in some lavish clothes by Njordr A relentless honor-bound Nordic warrior