I think Telvanni Robes win hands down.
I think Telvanni Robes win hands down.
I don't know about these robes but I love the red hooded monk robes.
Can't say I find any of them very appealing. The lack of the Black Hand robes is disappointing. Although lore-wise, it wouldn't be possible to have it back after the crumble of the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodiil; still, did I find the style of the robes in Oblivion to be far better.
I guess my favorite robes are the full black ones that include the hood.
This. Just too bad that they are, you know, Thalmor robes.
The Psijic Order robes and Sheogorath's are very cool !
Well, the court wizard and enemy mage robes all looked like they were stitched together by hobos.
The college robes are definitely not robes.
The Archmage wears a poncho.
Therefore, the Telvanni win.
Robes are for puny boys, real men wear armour!
Can't wear them without CC, so those don't count :\
Those are my favorite too, but they're not normally wearable.