I hear the Riddike games are better than the movies their based on, Wolverine Origins was the same. The game isn't really great, but it's decent fun to just slash people up with those claws while they desperately try to stop you, I liked how you can see Wolverine healing in that game, it looks really cool. It's also one of those few games where entering the god mode cheat really just feels right

I remember Batman Begins being pretty good actually, that may just be me remembering wrong, but they did kinda the same thing Arkham did, by scaring your opponents and having them do increasingly stupid things the more scared they were, letting you swoop in for an easy takedown at the end.
EDIT: Oh yeah, Spiderman 2 was great, i also liked Spiderman 3, though it had it's fair share of annoyances. The Incredible Hulk wasn't terrible either.