1. Maddox-inf 2. xTK eOlt_MidAir 3. KrypTonZ<3 4. Andrew676 5. AMG23 6. OY2Die 7. kklowN 8. KeyMag .... 15-20.RTR150))) P.S. There are also strong players, but they have started to play recently. P.P.S. Accidentally come to the AV site
AMG23 a infamous hacker troll. everywhere he goes he play with speedhack and armor cheat wich makes him harder take him down. he's other alias: AMG_55555555-555555 and few more!
AMG23 a infamous hacker troll. everywhere he goes he play with speedhack and armor cheat wich makes him harder take him down. he's other alias: AMG_55555555-555555 and few more! http://c2stats.com/pc/p_AMG23 He does not play nearly.
here is as i think 1.RTR150 1/5.Maddox-Inf 2.Andrew676 3.Bartko 4.Keymag 5.KryptonZ and others lol you dont know balzak and bitey.Yeah,you are a confirmed russian.Chuck norris approved!
As we know the russians living in there own world. RTR is showing now who is in his opinion the best Scar + Laser guy. But RTR you have to remember that you russians have the hole time a ping of atleast 20. And now i have to tell you something, i played some games on the Savannamasters.de Crash Site Server and 3-4 OVER guys were there with Scar + Lazer and a ping of ~70. And the end of the story is i played with Grendel and they had no chance and they tried to votekick me. When they have bad scores they start crying about you.
And in my opinion are the best players not Scar + Laser guys, the best players can handle every weapon like a boss. I know everybody has his favourite player and his own opinion but i would say it's KrypTon'Z and |Bitey|, with the only reason that they have very good scores with every weapon they choose.
And why do you make a competition about that? We are one community and we get no help from the Dev. We should help each other and not accusing everyone for cheating. So it's really fun to play with/against fVic and QuiT.
Ah and you're talking about time on BF3 RTR.
My BF3 Stats: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/DerBerType/stats/192407803/
The 2 best crysis 2 players in the world are without a doubt kryptonz and bitey, nobody can dispute that. Except people who don't know anything, ofcourse.
The 2 best crysis 2 players in the world are without a doubt kryptonz and bitey, nobody can dispute that. Except people who don't know anything, ofcourse. ok ahah))
I've had the privilege to play bitey before, but no such luck with Kryptonz. I hope he does make a comeback before the release of Crysis 3, it'd be nice to play both of the top 2 beats.
if you count in players who dont play anymore i think you should count in kariwarez too but i agree with krypton and bitey also I dont count in people who play with scar laser all the time