» Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:02 pm
There really isn't one. The game is designed so that the lowest common denominator, i.e. anyone who's ever played a video game before, can pick it up and play it with very few issues. The best advice is to choose the race you like the best.
If you've played other games, you may have a playstyle that you've picked up, however. If you like being a stealthy thief type, bosmers or khajit may be for you. If magic is your thing, Altmer or Breton work well. If you like to bullrush through the game swinging swords, Nords or Orcs (and Bretons too because of the Dragon skin power) work well. But the thing is, any of the races can achieve any of these playstyles eventually, just certain races have a better time of it early on, so you really can just choose a race based on which one you think looks the best.