Best scares!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:36 am

So I am laying in bed in the 'office' last night playing with headphones... I am chasing down a giant with my sneaky bow and i get some unwanted attention, so i take off running for my little life before becoming an epic sky flail. and just as i turn around GROWL! a giant freaking sabercat is leaping at my face. needles to say i reloaded but i jumped like a little girl. IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Any one else have other moments of delightful terror?

Ha ha ha, the same. Jiggling merrily through a pasture at night with the sound of crickets in my ears when BAM butt munched by a saber tooth. I jumped out of my skin, the controller flew in the air and I squeaked like a skeever.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:25 pm

Pretty much exactly your experience OP. Turned around, *WHAM* Sabercat jumping at my face with jaws agape and claws bared. Didn't even hear it, and oooh language you can imagine.

The adrenaline is still wearing off.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:55 am

first time using a sould trap enchanted weapon. there I was happily swinging away with my volume way up and BANG the ludest sound i ever heard drilling into my ears.
then because I was fighting two wolves it gave me a second scare
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:52 am

That Daedric worship horror house. Oh. My. Freaking. God. I panic-quit the game the second the lights went out, ghostly objects started levitating all over the place and that chilling demon voice began urging me to kill the man I was investigating the house with. Went on Google, looked up a walkthrough so I'd know exactly what to expect, gave myself a few seconds to calm down and then tackled the quest again. Phew.
Draugr and skeevers still freak me out occasionally, but they made me full-on jump the first time I encountered them. My first wolf sneak-attack spooked me, too. I'm heading for Whiterun when I hear the sound of frenzied panting approaching. Turn around - BAM! Thing's vaulting towards me, teeth bared and claws aimed for my face. I'd barely even drawn my sword when Faendal shot it down mid-lunge. Good ole elf.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:31 am

It didn't make me jump, but the scariest ever moment was on the 7000 steps, when you ascend them for the first time. I was walking along, happily killing wolves and what have you, and suddenly I see a strange, ape-like creature. Still having the blind confidence of a new player, I charged towards it and hit it with everything I had, AND..

I noticed its health bar fill right up. Seriously, Bethesda, it was almost sadistic putting that Frost Troll on such an early mission. It did teach me to be a bit more cautious, however.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:58 pm

Rocking through this cave the other day and then all of a sudden this fkn light blue falmer with burning eyes drops out of the roof right infrton of my face growling & i kinda pooped alittle
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:00 am

Don't remember what dungeon it was. I came to the end of it, and entered a room which was very small filled with skulls. It appeared there was nothing else there and no way to pass through it so I had to turn around and backtrack. As soon as I turned around, I activated some sort of trap and a spike flew in my head which killed me in 1 hit.

I didn't jump, but my chair rolled back against the wall and I hit my head. :(
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:59 am

Walking down a path in the middle of the night with trees on both side. Suddenly I here a roar, and when I turn around all I see is teeth in my face then suddenly fire
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:35 am

First time at a Dwemer ruin when I was looking at those "pipes" where the tech-spiders roll out from. Suddenly a spider attacks me from the side and I actually dropped my controller...

Wasn′t the manliest thing, but hey, I hate em spiders :P

The first time I was in a Dwemer ruin was for the Transmundane quest, the jump scare probably woulda hit me, but I read about the spiders jumping out of pipes in a book in an earlier part of the ruin and I pretty much used Aura Whisper every time I saw one of those pipes. Good thing that one can see robots.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:34 am

*Spoiler sorta' kinda'*

Cicero's spike trap made jump a mile high. That (insert curse name here) is a stickler for details.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:13 am

those damn falmer everytime :flamethrower:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:53 pm

Playing a DiD warrior on Master difficulty, definitely one of the more intense experiences by default. Running across the plain west of Whiterun, in an attempt to sack a bandit den for the Jarl. Suddenly, without warning or even a sound, my screen erupts in flames and I hear "YOR TOR SHOL" or something similar, as this random dragon literally ambushes me in the wide open. You'd think if I saw him coming anywhere, it would be there <_<

Anyway, I about flew out of my chair. Spilled my water on the floor as I was taking a drink when it happened.
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:14 am

First time I played after the midnight, I was loving the music, so I turned up my turtle beaches to listen some more. I'm looking at the great details and all of a sudden RAWR, it was so loud I jumped and whipped off my beaches. I've never turned them up that loud since.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:17 am

the first time a dragon priest came out of the grave, and when my TV was turned up, almost maxed cause that damn amazing epic choir, holy crap I had a heart attack. when that guy decided to pop out

Also when i took a arrow in the knee
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:35 am

Sabre cats are the freakers for me.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:07 am

The first thing that really scared me? The sound of my own raised zombie, right behind me. I killed it instantly.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:42 pm

What gave me the chills? I cast reanimate Corpse. I then killed it with a few swings of my mace. As it was vanishing to dust it says.."...thank you..." in a very disturbing way.

It will be awhile before I do that again...
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:50 pm

I was up in the mountains at night time during a heavy blizzard when I heard a loud roar in the distance. I had only fought 2 dragons so far so I was still getting used to fighting them, much less near sheer cliffs. I scanned the clouds for any signs of large movement when something suddenly flew close to my face and made use fire off a Fus. Turns out it was just a hawk that I proceeded to zap with lightning for making me jump.

....damn birds. :angry:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:25 am

The first time I faced a hagraven. I just cut her head off and leave the area. Then when I was back tracking and not paying attention to my surroundings. I find her standing headless in the same spot. She was still dead, but it scared the **** out of me.
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Logan Greenwood
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