Here's mine
Just so you know, Im a Soldier FIRST and an engineer SECOND
Universal Abilities:
Battle Hardened
Sprinting Reload
Supply Max Increase
Combat Intuition
Resupply Rate Increase
Sense of Perspective
Soldier Abilities:
Grenade Mastery
Extra Magazine
Frag Blast
Grenade Damage
Satchel Charges
Engineer Abilities:
Light Turret
Extra Kevlar
Nerves of Steel
Medium Turret
Gatling Turret
Improved Weapon Buff
Command Post Upgrade
Extra Landmine
Abilities You have that i don't + Reasons I dont have them: Downed Fire- Its nice, but with such little health you become such a great target, and if you want it because you want to get some kills, remember kills don't earn that much EXP, and the odds of you killing the person and a medic coming to save you after are pretty slim
Silent Running- From my experience and from people i have asked (MANY from this forum who are well known) have said they its VERY rarely do they check their radar anyways
Kevlar Vest (Soldier)- Can be useful, but it doesn't earn you EXP, or help your team THAT much imo. Mostly just personal preference
Flashbangs- I mostly play co-op and from what I've seen the Bots are never affected by the flashbangs, which really irritates me, maybe its just me, but thats what i believe
Gear Head- I mostly play as a soldier, and i think the build rate is already so high, that increasing the speed is not worth wasting a whole ability for it.
Abilities I have that you don't + Reasons i have them:Sense of Perspective- I like it when Im planting the bomb or repairing something so i know if someone is coming, so i can cancel and turn around and kill them
Kevlar Vest (Engineer)- I like to help out my teammates, mostly just personal preference though
Gatling Turret- I found the Medium wasn't enough and that the Gatling was just what i needed. Again personal preference
Satchel Charges- I love planting them on places where people need to plant the bomb, and they are alot more fun to me because they are manual controlled, not trip (Like a landmine)
Nerves of Steel- Works great for those last second repairs before the round ends, I've experienced a few times when it helped me out right before i died. Couldn't have won without it.
That was pretty lengthy, but if you care you'll read it. If not, oh well
EDIT: Also i would organize your Abilities like i have, its much easier to understand, and compare them to others i think