Best Warrior Build?

Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:52 am

I want to roll a warrior in Skyrim and I just can't get my head around on how to build one? What is the best Race for a warrior? And what are the best perks to fit a warrior that only uses a sword and shield and never uses magic? I would love some advice on other people that have either played a warrior on oblivion and know the class well or other people that are going to be a warrior like myself. Thanks!
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:34 pm

Nord, Orc, and Redguard are the best warrior races. Imperials aren't terrible either. Dunmer and Argonian are decent too, but they're better at being mage/warrior/thief hybrids.

Though to be honest, pure warriors have never been very much fun in the Elder Scrolls games, since the combat systems have always been lacking. Playing as a Mage/Warrior or Mage/Rogue is much more fun imo, since it makes the gameplay quite a bit more varied. Otherwise you and the baddies will just smack eachother over and over till one of you falls down. :snoring:
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:15 am

Orc (or if you prefer) Redguards--------------- Nords and Imperials are secondary warriors (paladin etc)

heavy armour
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:39 pm

Redaguard specializing in heavy armor, blade, blunt, armorer (I guess smithing, really), and block. Best that I can think of.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:26 pm

best race? The one with the least number of skill bonuses in fighting skills. Altmer maybe. Why because you will level more just using your fighting skills and therefor get more perks.
Perks well fill out the one handed and block trees.
Pick an armor type and stick with it since it seems there are perk bonuses to wearing all one type of armor.
Take the blacksmithing skill so you can give your gear buffs.
Alchemy: without touching magic you will need potions to heal yourself in a fight.
Marksman because you will need a ranged attack now and then. Probably can skip go light on perks here.
The thief skills will probably be needed to some degree, like open lock so you can get past certain doors, stealth so you can ambush people, speachcraft to get better deals with merchants etc. But you probably don't need perks in these ones unless you like them.
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:05 pm

Race: Redguard
Skills: Heavy Armor, one handed, Block, Smithing. That's really about it. I guess marksmen if you plan on wanting to not use magic and want to take out enemies at a range.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:11 pm

best race? The one with the least number of skill bonuses in fighting skills. Altmer maybe. Why because you will level more just using your fighting skills and therefor get more perks.

That will make you level slower though. The higher the skill the more it contributes to the next level. Plus perks have a level requirement so you may not be able to get as many fighter perks as you want early on with an Altmer.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:04 am

The best pure warriors are Orcs imo

In TES lore orcs are famous for their quality armor + the value of orcish troops in the imperial army

I am considering using an Orc with the following skills for my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd character

Heavy Armor (maybe light... depending on the perks but Heavy armor is more fitting for an orc)

Enchanting only because to make the best possible armor u will need both Smithing and Enchanting... I feel like a pure warrior can get away with being skilled in enchanting cause its not like they are performing magic... they are just adept and creating magical armor / weapons

Redguards and Nords are equally good warriors but i prefer the Orcs for their looks(TES V only) and i like their lore-inspired affinity for crafting the best armor.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:51 pm

If Skyrim is like the previous Elder Scrolls games it really doesn't matter what race you pick and there isn't much point of just trying to min/max your character because by the time you get to a fairly high level you'll be able to just destroy anything.
I play a Khajiit for basically everything, assassin, thief, mage, or warrior, and they all end up being powerful enough that it doesn't matter.

My recommendation, pick whatever race looks the best/lore you like the most.
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:44 am

Orc man, and you can pick up a nice claymore or battleaxe as well (2 handed)
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:39 pm

None of that really matters. You can be anything with anyone. The only difference is having it a bit easier at the beginning, but seriously, thats nothing to sacrifice the look you want.

Every race has warriors in their homland. Argonians didnt invade Morrowind sneaking around.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:52 pm

There's no best of anything. That's not what ES are about.
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:50 am

I want to roll a warrior in Skyrim and I just can't get my head around on how to build one? What is the best Race for a warrior? And what are the best perks to fit a warrior that only uses a sword and shield and never uses magic? I would love some advice on other people that have either played a warrior on oblivion and know the class well or other people that are going to be a warrior like myself. Thanks!

First pick a race: Nord, Redguard, Orc, Dunmer, Imperial, or other. Nords, Redguards, and Orcs are the best warriors; everyone has their opinion on which is premier of the elite.

I would recommend no more than 6 skills to put perks in. The six I would recommend are..

One-Handed (pick this over two-handed so you can use shields)
Block (you said that you wanted a shield)
Heavy Armor (warriors tend to be up close, so they need the protection of heavy armor)
Smithing (custom armor and weapons have major bonuses in stats, possibly the best...)
Archery (Since you are not using magic, I recommend this for range attacks: "there be dragons in the land")
Sneak (Even Conan the Barbarian was good at sneaking, and you should learn from his example)

If you still cannot decide which race you like the best, read some racial lore online (Type uesp on google to find the "unofficial elderscrolls pages")
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:42 pm

Nords are premier Warriors. Not sure if serious to the person who said Nords make better Paladins, lol. That's absurd. Imperials make the best Paladins. Nothing about what a Nord is says "Paladin", sorry.
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