Does Steady even work for iron sights? I could have sworn it was just for improving VATS while using an Guns weapon.
crippled arms.I never get sway with Sniper Rifle at 75 Guns and 6 Strength unless I'm either a) standing or

crippled to hell. The AMR is a different story because I almost never get Weapons Handling OR 8 Strength (unless going Melee).
Maybe just try using a Hunting Rifle with a scope and bolt action upgrade. Just aim for the head and watch for the Jello.
Steady works perfectly while scoped or aiming down iron sights. I've never tried it with VATS, but I only use VATS at close range.
There is always a bit of sway. I have 100 Guns, 10 Strength and there is a very small bit of sway without Steady. Try getting just close enough to an enemy position for them to spawn.You will see a bit of sway when you're trying to snipe a stick figure
This is the biggest thing, yes. Steady is nice but I don't really use it. I kinda learn which way the rifle is going to sway and use the motion to decide when to shoot.
Same here. I never use Steady anymore, though I may at a certain near-end game mission on the NCR side.