The ideal wasn't getting people to use Hunting Rifle, I think it was quite the opposite: .308 is a smaller caliber thus it should be crap compare to .44 and .45 according to JE's rule of thumb in NV.
I used the hunting rifle before patch, the sniper was only superior due to being more akin to B.A.R irl, a multi tool high powered assault rifle that would eat through any foe.
Combine it with the silencer which is the real reason people complain about it getting nerfed, ( because they want insta kills 90% of the time without any threat of being spotted even in touch distance of foes ).
You end up with a very versitile, high powered gun with absolutly no draw backs when modded.
A hunting rifle has lower cit chance, weighs more, requires the same strength, can't be silenced, requires mods to scope it, make it fire as fast / faster than a sniper;
To compansate for more hits required due to less criticals out side of sneak has a mod that allows more ammo per mag.
In all the hunting rifle is powerfull basic damage wise because it should be due to its unsupressed .308 rounds, but lacks less criticals making it over all weaker.
It's the gun you use when you want a tactical challange, a sniper is still the best gun when you wish just to kill without getting spotted.