I was wondering what are the best top 5 or 10 weapons in skyrim espespecially one handed.Also where do I find them thanks guys.
I was wondering what are the best top 5 or 10 weapons in skyrim espespecially one handed.Also where do I find them thanks guys.
Miraak's Sword (Dragonborn)
Chillrend (Thieves Guild)
Dragonbone sword (Dawnguard)
Daedric sword
Rating them depends on what you're looking for in a weapon. Nowadays I go by damage and aesthetics, favoring daedric and elven swords and daggers.
Mace of Molag Bal. At high levels, abandoned house in Markarth
DragonboneDG one-handed, random loot, smithable, dropped by Keepers in the Soul Cairn once you're level 40
Daedric one-handed random loot, smithable
Chillrend. At high levels, during the Thieves Guild questline, Mercer's House
Dragonbane. At high levels, during the main questline, in Sky Haven Temple
Nightingale Blade. At high levels, during the Thieves Guild questline
Miraak's SwordDB During the Dragonborn main questline
BloodsyctheDB and SoulrenderDB(Better w/ DeathbrandDB) during the quest Deathbrand(Level 36)
Windshear. During the DBH questline on the Katriah, on the bow, may fall off.
And that's all the one handed I consider strong.
But then, a weapon you make will always have an amazing combo of effects that suit your playstyle.
True,but i'm talking about one's you find in the game,but thanks anyway....
Sorry once again I hit quote and tried to send a message to one person and it sent it to all sorry.
M'aiq thinks you forgot to add the iron dagger.
M'aiq used a iron dagger before on a character. He only used the iron dagger and nothing else. He won many victories. M'aiq did it on legendary as well.
Iron daggers, eh? They don't seem to work too well for the brave civilians who love charging enemy dragons.
Personally, I like chillrend, as long as you don't mind doing TG quests
Skyforge Steel
Fairly powerful, light weight and can be acquired very early on in the game. While jumping through the hoops for Skyforge weapons you'll also get access to Silver weapons and those will make early game undead much easier to deal with. If you're into heavy armor pushing this quest line just abit further will get you access to Wolf Armor that has the same protection as steel with half the weight.
Not sure if these are the best, they are my top five one-handed swords for usefulness:
I like the Ghost blade for it's weight of 1 and ignores armor. It can be acquired during a quest in Ansilvund.
Dawnbreaker for its unique look and enchantment. It can be acquired during Meridia's daedric quest.
The Pale blade (at higher levels) for it enchantment. It can be acquired during a quest in Frostmere Crypt.
Red Eagle's Bane has a very nice dual enchantment for undead. The quest can be started by reading The Legend of Red Eagle.
Valdr's Lucky dagger - I always make it a point to get this dagger with a 25% chance of critical hit. It can be acquired during a quest in Moss Mother Cavern.
I tend to like the lighter weight weapons, like Ghost blade and Valdr's Lucky dagger as a backup when using my bow.
I like the dragonbone weapons and also the Ancient Nord Weapons the most. The glass swords/daggers are also nice.
Miraak's Sword is awesome, though it's leveled up until Level 60.
The Dawnguard Rune Axe is an excellent tool against the undead.
Anything you can get out of mods. Vanilla weaponry seems too LARPy.
My favourite basic (i.e. not a Daedric artefact or other unique item) sword is the Ebony one-handed sword (Broadsword in SkyRe). My current character managed to grab one in a tomb on Solstheim around level 4 and has been using it as her 1H weapon ever since - currently at level 39 and *just* switched to an Ebony Broadsword of the Blaze which Ulfric presented to her after she took Whiterun, so that's basically only a few extra points of fire damage, hasn't improved either one (doesn't have the perk to improve Ebony yet) and it's still a very viable weapon, plus it looks good. I'm probably going to go and get Dawnbreaker soon, because she's going to be doing a few more tombs in the near future, and Dawnbreaker's a lot of fun against Draugr, as well as looking purdy. I've a feeling SkyRe changes how quickly the charges run out (or possibly makes them not need recharging?) on the Daedric artefacts, which I think is reasonable, given they're meant to be Awesome Weapons of Great Power and such.
I don't really like the look of the Daedric stuff, as in the stuff you can craft with that perk, I recently found a Daedric heavy shield with 70% shock resistance which is pretty hard to refuse to use, particularly as she's fond of using Destruction magic and prefers to wear Dukaan over Zakrisos, but it looks godawful. Daedric armour and daggers look sort of cool, but I vastly prefer Ebony for both armour and weaponry design.
I favor a ebony sword for backup, as I rather use magic. Also, to me, depends on what you are looking for in a weapon and the type of weapon you like to use. A self enchanted weapon will be the best. My opinion.