This is also what i believe is one of Brink's largest problems. The guns in Brink are basic, and honestly there's far too few, this isn't an xbox arcade game it should have launched with more period. I would have also liked to see a little more creativity, i understand the wanting to keep weaponry realistic but some other attachments just should have been there... laser site... ect. Also why cant i just use two pistols? not dual wield, just use have two?
Now for some obvious DLC content. Weapon color augmentation (this should have also been in launch to increase customization possibilities, there really isn't that many choices feels lazy as is). Lots MORE weapons, there is one gun for each basic type besides light and heavy machine guns (examples the sniper riffles and the shotgun) Lots MORE class abilities (Like a hang line. or something that would have really set the game apart would be upgradable skills as in caltrops can turn into poison caltrop or marking caltrop) Levels: i would love some high structures and more chances for S.M.A.R.T to play it's role. All In all this game is at the top of it's class but really falls short of a full game. not to mention other people's lag makes the multiplayer unbearable. Don't get me wrong i love Brink but it's in dire need of some changes i hope that this post is read.
Feel free to leave your comments on what iv'e said
Also leave a post if you agree so the devs will pay attention thanks.