Best? Hmm, lots of stuff, but I'll settle on better environments and locations.
Worst: Eh, I'd probably say it's a toss up between no spears "in the traditional sense" (whatever that means

) and no birthsigns (if true - I haven't seen this confirmed anywhere). A third would be the lack of dialogue for non-important NPC's.
This is the only place i heard about no birthsigns. Hopefully athletics and acrobatics will be condensed down into one skill instead of removed entirely. As for a lack of traditional spears, polearms, halberds, etc. seem possible (more slash based weapons instead of poking someone repeatedly)
The lack of dialog, well that already existed in oblivion. As stated earlier, there were plenty of one-liners or NPCs that had 0 unique dialog.
Im worried about staves. i HATED them in oblivion. I just want a weapon that can efficiently use long range (magic) and close range (basing a skull in with a stick), even if the close range is weak. I mean, our bows are made from metal (so they are obviously re-enforced) and should work out fine swinging it at someone in self defense.
Best: Elder Scrolls V was announced
Worst: None
I cant complain about anything until I've tried out how its implemented in the game. After all, if the magic system is already very powerful, or at some point uses a charge based system (longer you hold, the more it costs) making your own spells could be very broken, or completely useless. Of course, since magic is very popular in these games, you know there will be some mods released. I never use spell making as it is in oblivion because midas magic, supreme magicka, etc all have special or scripted spells that cant be replicated or enhanced in game.