I don't get, why don't you just not use it, I did not in Oblivion for the first 100 hours or so.
Those who are against fast travel and think it would be enough to just disable it are just against it to jump in with the crowd, I don′t like fast travel and I don′t think just designing the game and then letting me disable it would be enough.
Why ?
Because it seems Bethesda designs the game around if they suspect people to use fast travel or not, in Morrowind we had a lot of transportation methods beyond fast travel and there was often better care and detail in the placement of the world. It′s about designing the world without fast travel in mind, taking care of the small details and adding services that allow one to travel by other methods than foot. It′s not about just removing the option
after the world has been designed...
But I hear Skyrim will be very much hand crafted meter by meter and with I′m hoping they will take into account those that want transportation methods you can access as paid services because of all the fuss. So I won′t mind as much if there will be fast travel in Skyrim as I did when I got it in Oblivion, else that would be the only bad thing I′d mention.