» Wed May 02, 2012 11:29 pm
Early on, I'd stick with the service rifle. With AP ammo it's decent against everything that isn't power armor or has oodles of health (deathclaws), and its mods make it pretty good in general. It also looks very grunty, and benefits from the grunt perk. The service rifle is plenty powerful enough for most things, except for high level DLC enemies (roboscorps, divide deathclaws, tunnelers, etc).
Later on, the All American is a very good choice, as it's also affected by grunt and has more damage than the SR, more ammo, and a greater ROF. Also scope. With AP ammo, it is more than up to tackling everything except the toughest deathclaws. And even those fall if you're careful not to get overwhelmed and you're fast on the trigger.
If you're a high STR grunt, then the LMG with expanded drum mags is wonderful. It has the ROF and damage to make mincemeat of most everything if you use the right ammo, and it's also affected by grunt. Sadly it's really a close range weapon due to spread.
Beyond those, I'd carry a good handgun. I'm partial to a Light Shining in Darkness for this, though the generic .45 handgun works too. High damage, good crit, and affected by grunt. Maybe carry a knife too like Chance's knife or a combat knife, in case you run out of bullets. .45 ammo is pretty common, so I see little reason to go for a piddly 9mm handgun unless you can't get a .45 one.
The assault carbine is good, but the superior GRA version doesn't benefit from the grunt perk, so it's probably not a good choice compared to the All American, even though the GRA AC with AP ammo laughs even at power armor.