I wish i am wrong and that you all will later say ..we told you its going to be awesome,,BUT.....The more i listen Todd the more i am certain they made pure FPS aka Call of Duty style shooter just set in post apocalyptyc world. , with rpg elements as cosmetics. Silence about story is going to back fire at all of us with poor story (thats why they are silent) ,while all of you expect something great. All this huge hype is going to blow up in our faces as soon as you realised that they made poor story with lack of dark humor ,lack of true freedom to do what ever you want( invincible children) and lack of everything that Fallout is. Zillions of weapons and playing like Rambo after few hours of the game is ok for brainless FPS but not Fallout (but as far i can see 90% people like brainless shooters,i wonder why? )