Your coal is why my fish have mercury in them and I can't enjoy nummy white albacore tuna more than once a week. :stare: They (coal) are also why the East Coast (USA) has acid rain, which damages the flora, our infrastructure, and effs up our water supplies and the aquatic critters.
Clean up the coal burner emissions, and then I will agree that your dead ferns from the carboniferous era make a good fuel.
Right. And, when was the last time you saw coal wash up onto the shores of the Gulf? Mercury in your Tuna isn't a result of my or anyone else's burning of coal. The last major case of anything related to high levels of anything in any animal we eat was in 1957 in Japan. Yes, Mercury is found in fish. But it's a small percentage. Like I said, when was the last time you saw coal wash up on the shores of the Gulf? When was the last time you saw oil / crude wash up on the shores of the Gulf? Or any shore for that matter?
What happens when an oil tanker capsizes? Or an Oil Derelict burns up? Or your oil tank, car, spring a leak? What happens when someone slams their car into a ground transformer? You get the EPA.
What happens when a nuclear power plant over heats? Melts down or worse, explodes? You get the EPA and in the case of Chernobyl 13 countries were affected by the radioactive fallout. In Japan this year we've seen three nuclear power plants go critical, one has exploded two are under "containment" what's the fallout going to be? A whole hell of a lot more than 13 countries.
What happens when a freight train leaving a Pennsylvanian Breaker with 23 cars full of 400 tons each of Anthracite coal derails? Nothing. You get a new train and a shovel. The nuclear fallout from a coal incident is infinitely smaller than an oil incident and infinitely smaller than a nuclear fallout from a power plant. Hell, the flyash and ash from a coal fire can be used in cement, as fill I've even used it as sand in my driveway this past winter. Does it have trace amounts of radiation? Sure, but so does my Granite counter top. So do I. The keyword here, TRACE amounts of radioactivity produced from coal is so small it poses no less of a danger than the radiation you emit from breaking down potassium. Today's coal is different from the coal your parent's grew up with. It is cleaner, processed directly from the breaker where it is cleaned prior to shipment. I'm not sure of the processing procedure but I do know that 35% of the Mercury content and Pyrite is removed which in turn lowers the Sulfer and other byproducts produced during combustion. Bitimiuous coal is not processed the same as Anthracite. Many coal fired power plants burn Bit coal but there are a lot of "cleaning", "scrubbing" equipment on the newer power plants to clean the waste coming out of them. I also know a lot of the newer power plants are burning Anthracite.
Sure, coal has had it's fair share of deaths and accidents and I'm not denying people have died due to health risks caused by coal. But the stigma that coal is the evil of all evils is absolutely ridiculous. The media has twisted and brainwashed people into thinking that coal is going to come into your home, [censored] your daughter, murder your goldfish, steal your tv and car, and burn your house down. It's fear mongering and misinformation. Like many of you. Up until the summer of 2010 I thought the same thing. Then I started reading about the new coal and given the prices for home heating oil and wood (which I was burning both during the winter) I felt coal was the better solid fuel. And, I was right. I haven't bought oil for my furnace at all this winter. My furnace has not run at all this winter. Coal has kept my home 80+ all winter.
And, of course, one day we won't have any coal to burn, and then where will we be?
You didn't actually ask that did you? Yup. Guess so. Let me answer it. During WWII oil wasn't available so coal was in high demand. Post WWII when oil became available again demand for coal went down. But it was still widely used. During the 1970's guess what happened? "OH NOES!!!! THERE'S NO MORE OIL!!! THE WORLD RAN DRY!!!!" Coal again, became popular especially in the residential market. Then somehow the people of the world magically produced more oil from some weird magical reserve in some weird magical other dimension and prices of oil came down just like the supply somehow magically reappeared. Fast forward to 2010/2011, "OH NOES!!! THERE'S NO MORE OILS!!!! WE GOT'S TO FINDS US THE ALTERNATIVE POWER SOURCES!!!!! THE WORLD IS OUT OF THE OILS!!!!" Now, we get wind and battery power cars. But guess where the power for the pluggy inny cars comes from? From your house? Nope. It comes from the power plants. What do many of the power plants burn to produce that power? Some burn garbage. Some burn poop. Some burn uranium rods (hey looky uranium is HIGHLY radioactive and has killed people...ooh...and it has to be stored in concrete bunkers, salt mines or in water...guess where most of the depleted uranium gets put in...water....where does the water go when the holding tank fails?). And some even burn fact....there are probably more coal fired power plants than poop powered plants...or garbage powered plants.....which segways into toxins in about garbage huh? As far as I'm concerned, what was...will be and what will be, was. We're in the same situation now that we were in 35+ years ago in the '70s.
There are approximately 100+ Nuclear Power Plants in The United States. 16 of which are non-functional. There are two in my home state of NJ both of which produce power...both of which dump their waste into active waterways. Almost nearly all of the power plants dump waste into open/active waterways.
There are approximately 87 trash burning power plants in The United States. I believe NJ has a few of these as well.
There is approximately 1 excrement burning power plant in The United States.
There are approximately 600 coal fired power plants in The United States with more to be built. NJ has approximately 7 of these plants.
Here's a good article by the USGS on the
Quotes taken directly from the USGS study:
"Radioactive elements in coal and fly ash should not be sources of alarm. The vast majority of coal and the majority of fly ash are not significantly enriched in radioactive elements, or in associated radioactivity, compared to common soils or rocks. This observation provides a useful geologic perspective for addressing societal concerns regarding possible radiation and radon hazard."
" The radiation hazard from airborne emissions of coal-fired power plants was evaluated in a series of studies conducted from 1975–1985. These studies concluded that the maximum radiation dose to an individual living within 1 km of a modern power plant is equivalent to a minor, perhaps 1 to 5 percent, increase above the radiation from the natural environment. For the average citizen, the radiation dose from coal burning is considerably less."
"The emanation of radon gas from fly ash is less than from natural soil of similar uranium content. Present calculations indicate that concrete building products of all types contribute less than 10 percent of the total indoor radon."
"Standardized tests of the leachability of toxic trace elements such as arsenic, selenium, lead, and mercury from fly ash show that the amounts dissolved are sufficiently low to justify regulatory classification of fly ash as nonhazardous solid waste. Maximum allowable concentrations under these standardized tests are 100 times drinking water standards, but these concentration limits are rarely approached in leachates of fly ash."
At any rate...I'm done with this conversation. I'm not going to sit here and try to get anyone to see the positive side of the use and viability of coal. The fact is, there are more coal fired plants than Nuclear, garbage, poop and coal isn't going anywhere. The general public needs to forget what they've been taught and start using it. Like I said before....misinformation is a powerful tool. Regardless of how many wind farms they put up, they will not produce the same amount of power as nuclear, or coal. And when there is no wind, you aren't making any power.