Now, all of a sudden, the the beta-tab is gone. So how do I leave the beta if I want to?
Now, all of a sudden, the the beta-tab is gone. So how do I leave the beta if I want to?
... and so how do I LEAVE the beta. It says that I am playing Fallout [Beta] and I can't opt-out.
The problem is that I can't opt-out the beta and the game won't update. I'm guessing I have to re-install to get this fixed.
And note to myself not to try beta-patches from bethesda again.
Edit: Yes, I have re-started team, re-started my computer and I am not the only one. Their is a thread over at the steam forum.
There is a thread at steam because some people might think it is a steam problem. So how do I check which version of Fallout I play?
I have the same "problem" as the op. In the settings menu in game it says I have version
Not sure what version number the 1.2 update has. Hopefully its the same.
It's the same. Game just says Beta next to the name in Steam. Weird. Probs just forgot to change it or something.
Game is the same so everyone can just calm down and get on with owning the Commonwealth like there's no tomorrow.
Cool thanks for confirming it is the same version.
Don't find it particularly humourous myself. Mine still says beta on steam launcher (am 1.2.37) I put myself on beta because I don't mind helping and that is what we are doing HELPING kind of goes with the whole beta label thing, doesn't it?
That dosn't change the fact that all I know is that there is an official patch out and my computer at home tells me I'm still running a beta patched game (1.2.37 to be precise, again)
So if their new official patch is called 1.2.37 then maybe they should say that somewhere, no? And maybe the steam client shouldn't be telling me that I'm running a beta version of a game if it's using the official patch now or maybe it's saying beta because it isn't running under the official patch...Say, how about Beth and Steam get their shiet together so people who actually gaved them money for a product know WTF they have running in the first place.
Yeah like I said, am not amused at all.
Since it is the same, the problem will hopefully be fixed, eventually.
Also. hopefully I'm no longer in beta, even if is says so. Because I don't want a beta-update (if it comes out one after this) if don't want one.
While certainly annoying that we cannot opt-out of the Beta update channel once a live patch gets released, here is a very simple fix for opting out of the Beta channel even without having access to its tab! Courtesy of NeoGAF:
1. Rename your Fallout 4 folder ("...\Steam\steamapps\common") to something else (e.g. "Fallout4_Backup")
2. "Uninstall" the game from Steam by right-clicking on Fallout 4 [beta] in your Library and selecting "Delete local content"
3. Rename your Fallout4_Backup folder back to its original name - "Fallout 4"
4. "Reinstall" the game from your Library at its previous location - Steam will now just validate your existing files, at the end of which the game will no longer be listed as Fallout 4 [beta] in your Library
5. Have a blast playing the game!
Are you all REALLY upset that Steam says "beta" when the patch is live? That's literally the only issue here and it's not even an issue. You have the same game as everybody else.
Could be a problem if you don't want to be opted into the beta stream if/when the next beta patch comes out. It would be sensible if Steam would either allow us to opt out of the beta stream, or automatically remove us from the beta stream, now that the patch is in final release. That way, we can choose again whether to opt in if there is a new beta patch later.
I opted out succesfully yesterday but steam says even then that Fallout 4 was BETA
Also i did not received any steam update. I should know. It's 200+ MB
Unfortunately i did a fresh re-installtion, and steam doesn't say Beta anymore.
Verdict: I'm not downloading any Beta patch again. !!!
And yes, recent version is
The game runs better now right? Now that you went to all the trouble?
I wouln't say that. It seems it runs exactly as with the latest beta on me.
However i tweaked the graphical settings a bit, and now i get a smoth gameplay.