What is Morrowind Rebirth?
New events and exciting places to visit
Bandit camps, hidden weapons, new taverns & unique encounters.
Rebuilt cities with loads of details
Improved cities with loads of traders, npc's, new buildings and unique enviroments.
Over 20 new creatures to battle
Draw your weapons against a huge array of new creatures such as the mighty Draugr Deathlord, the chilling Frost Monarch or be charmed by the Daedra Seducer.
New weapons, armor and misc items
Battle your way through Vvardenfell with new shiny stuff such as the Falmer Longsword, the Dwemer Staff or just feel safe running around with new armor pieces such as the Imperial Captain's Helmet or the Templar Shield.
Balance tweaks and bugfixes
Fixes a lot of vanilla errors, bugs and balance issues.
New music, splashscreens & new main menu
Over 1 hour of new music, both for battles and for exploration. New splashscreens and a new really nice main menu. Everything here is ofc optional.
Better landscapes with less seams and floaters.
Do you have a problem with floaters, seams or just that some areas look and feel ”boring”? Well no more. With Rebirth I've tried to elimiate these ”issues”, giving each area a unique look without overworking it. There's also far less seams and floaters which obviously will make the gameworld a better place to live in.
You can read and see images & videos here on my moddb website: http://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-rebirth
If you're interested please let me know as soon as possible (Max 5 testers)
Don't use a lot of mods running Morrowind Rebirth 2.0 as this will probably result in conflicts, conflicts that I don't wanna spend time solving right now. It's also quite time consuming and annyoing tracking issues that ain't caused by Morrowind Rebirth
