there was radiant AI in the OB demo, and they supposedly took it out since certain NPC's would buy everything in shops, leaving nothing for the character.
PLUS, NPC's would talk to each other by name, and this is when I got a huge mega-boner... why did they take THIS out?
Will they call eachother by name in SKyrim? Damn I really hope so. Let's hope Beth doesn't lie this time, what do you guys think? I'm willing to give them a second chance, and I have a feeling (if Skyrim is everything they say it will be) I'm going to absolutely love Skyrim when it's out.
EDIT-I didn't mean to use the word 'lie' and I should've known that would cause some steam here. Anyway, I cannot wait for the release, and I look forward to finally experiencing that RAI in action.

EDIT 2-This is sort of off topic, but there were other features added that I doubt many people know about. One, for example, I found very interesting and can confirm it as I have done it multiple times. If you pick up a book by pressing L2 on the PS3 controller and dangle it in front of a certain NPC, they will take it from you and start reading it. So there were many little interesting features kept in the game.