The second half of my post was addressing the statement people seem to enjoy making when they do not like the features someone else is talking about or showing concern over its removal or Altering with the statement "Bethesda isn't making the game for you, you're a Minority and Bethesda is a business, they aren't here to cater to you because your on their forums" a statement of which I find purely used to undercut another individual and nothing more :shrug: as if for some reason because one is on the forums one ceases to think the same way they did when they were not on this forum or on another forum.
case and point for some reason if Bob thinks similar to John that x features or in/out good/bad both played the games but didnt go on the forums. if Bob joins to forums he becomes a minority and his opinion is atrocious and game dampning while John is more...attractive?
case and point for some reason if Bob thinks similar to John that x features or in/out good/bad both played the games but didnt go on the forums. if Bob joins to forums he becomes a minority and his opinion is atrocious and game dampning while John is more...attractive?
Being on or off a forum holds would never make one person's opinion less important than the next persons. It's only when we talk about majority of gamers that this becomes an issue. It's fine for someone to complain and it's also fine for those happy with decisions and those not happy with the decisions to say it like it is (within forum rules) and those who say such things must also know they are on the forums.

I sit on my hands to keep from responding the way I'd like all the time. My hands are so sore.