Ah, yes. "If you can't do it yourself, you have no right to complain about it". A lot of people would be out of a job if that sorry excuse for an argument was ever implemented by force.
I already mentioned the classic Fallout, but there's no need to stick to classic cRPGs. Remember The Legend of Zelda? Leevers are as easy to kill at the start of the game as they are at the end of the game, but anyone who says they didn't pull out their hair in frustration over the second quest's Level 7 is a liar. And yet, there's people who beat it with only a fraction of the items and heart containers you could have at that point.
I already mentioned the classic Fallout, but there's no need to stick to classic cRPGs. Remember The Legend of Zelda? Leevers are as easy to kill at the start of the game as they are at the end of the game, but anyone who says they didn't pull out their hair in frustration over the second quest's Level 7 is a liar. And yet, there's people who beat it with only a fraction of the items and heart containers you could have at that point.
The wolves are the same difficulty at Level 1 as they are at 20. The difference is your character improves by that point and gets stronger, so they're easier. They don't change, you do.
The Splicers in Bioshock don't suddenly get easier towards the end, YOU get stronger.
That's not level scaling, that's character progression. But there's no pleasing you, you're obviously never going to like it and are citing examples that make no sense.