Outdoor enemies are mainly set in level, but I think 95% of all dungeons scale to your current level.
"Various aspects of the game are leveled. This means that as your character increases in level, some enemies become more challenging but also the quality of the items you find becomes better. However, the leveling system in Skyrim has been altered from that used in Oblivion, in response to criticisms of Oblivion's leveling system.
Different locations in Skyrim have different inherent difficulties. In other words, some dungeons are designed to be too difficult for low-level characters to enter. More challenging dungeons are generally located at higher elevations, meaning that early in the game players may want to avoid mountainous regions. However, more difficult dungeons contain better rewards. In addition, some high-quality items can be randomly found even early in the game.
The level of a given dungeon is fixed the first time you enter it. Therefore, places that you enter early in the game will always contain relatively weak enemies, even if you return to the same dungeon at the end of the game."
Most don't scale to you. The OP's article makes no sense, and is factually incorrect.
I dont want to struggle killing bandits and ice wolves after im lvl 50 and defeated alduin. It makes no sense. I cant get enveloped in a system where all the enemies are difficult always even after alduin. No sense of progression. Plus like i said, you cant play as anyone you want.
You guys are giving me a headache. THAT'S HOW IT WORKED IN OBLIVION! In Oblivion everything leveled up WITH you. Now, they DON'T. I got destroyed by Snow Bears and now at level 28 I can kill them easier.
Please guys, stop bleating lies. It's driving me insane.