I'm afraid I'll have to shock you and agree with you, to an extent. If I adopt the viewpoint of an original Fallout purist for a second, then yes, this is true. It's a better RPG than Fallout 3 was, and almost everything in New Vegas is improved. The only thing it didn't improve, and ultimately made worse, was the world it gave you to explore, which was a big step down from Fallout 3.
My love of Fallout 3 doesn't stop me from being able to see it's flaws, Seti, and I'm not afraid to point them out. But I've never seen you point out Oblivion's flaws while not at the same time pointing out the things you consider flaws in other Bethesda games.
Unlike Oblivion, not only does Fallout 3 have a more interesting world with many many more unique locations and fewer copy-pasted dungeons, as well as much more culture, but it has more interesting and in-depth quests, despite the number of quests being quite fewer. Fallout 3 showed me that Bethesda still knows how to make a interesting and compelling world like they did in Morrowind and did not do nearly as well in Oblivion.
Nor have I seen you point out the flaws of Fallout 3 without pointing out the flaws of something else, and why should either of us have to point out flaws when arguing against hordes of "the previous game of the series was much better, and that is a fact" and accusations of being "casual", "mindless", or of mainstream mentality?
I'd agree with you on the unique locations thing, but Oblivion did the same thing with quests following Morrowind. It's been a progression from Arena to Fallout 3 in quest depth. Also, must I point out Arena and Daggerfall? What is the right track? How does Oblivion fail to be a good Bethesda game (Remember a certain "Oblivion is a bad Elder Scrolls game" remark from yourself?) when it surpasses most of the others in its series when it comes to an interesting and compelling world? I'd also like to hear of this culture you're referring to, because I still point to the lore. You've got locations as a pure bonus for Fallout 3 (although you really should explore a bit more of Oblivion if you believe that "all locations are the same" myth) , but the quest number vs. quality is a trade-off that each Bethesda game has handled differently, following a trend. Where is Morrowind different from Oblivion in regard to unique locations? Name an interesting place in Morrowind, and I'll give you one back from Oblivion (I'm serious, perhaps over PM?) . Strangely enough, I find Oblivion's world to be very compelling, and it's funny how perception of "flaws" work.
Lastly, you still haven't addressed my main point of opinion. Fallout 3 is a step up from Oblivion, according to you, and yet we're ignoring the things that weren't a step up from Oblivion, and pretending opinions of the opposite are just downright false? Or perhaps that's just how I perceive things after constantly being told "this game is better" and "how can you like that game more" and constantly using the phrase "in my opinion". I'm not trying to argue that Oblivion is a better game. I'm trying to argue that it's an equal game to which I am entitled to prefer over others, and I take the "this game is better" type of comments as an adamant statement, not somone trying to post their opinion, although that may just be a failure of miscommunication on my part. You tell me. IS Fallout 3 a step up from Oblivion, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, AFTER OBLIVION GOES SO FAR OFF THE TRACK OF RIGHT or DO YOU BELIEVE Fallout 3 is a step up from Oblivion?
I can easily point out Oblivion's flaws, following my opinion, and I have before. They are level-scaling and the leveling system inherited from Morrowind (attribute multipliers make me cringe). Other than that, I find Oblivion to be great. In comparison to Fallout 3, I like Fallout 3's exploration, level-scaling, and quest depth better, although I consider that being exceptional on Fallout 3's part, not flawed on Oblivion's part. The same goes for my preferences from Morrowind, although I personally believe Fallout 3 has both Morrowind and Oblivion beat when it comes to exploration and I actually prefer exploration in Oblivion to exploration in Morrowind (fast-travel system, running speed, lack of map markers, difficult to cross terrain, and very little that has impressed me so far). In comparison to all three, I prefer what Obsidian has done with New Vegas' dialogue, story, item variety, and game mechanics.
I would really prefer to just continue this whole thing over PM, but only if you wish to continue it. If you choose to respond, and I'm referring to anyone, please don't do it here. I'm just going to end up forgetting about the thread or taking it completely off-topic.
On the specific question of Bethesda and Obsidian working together, I'd rather have Bethesda work on TES V.