Bethesda and Obsidian

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:43 am

You people [censored] this game up again. Now, it takes 14 [censored] years to go through someones inventory to trade equipment.

The game was better on the patch before HH. You guys [censored] it up again. I don t know the answers, because I don t make video games. I just play them. The only thing made better by the last patch was you took the crier for Mick & Ralphs out, and that stopped the drop in frame rate there.

I need to make caps, because you people can t even make a [censored] vendor right in OWB. It quit paying me for my stuff, which caused me to have to leave before I did everything there. So, I get back go the mw and its all [censored] up again too. I need to quickly make my caps back, which means lots of pip boy usage, and entering inventories, but it is taking a [censored] hour again.

I know you guys have tried to fix [censored], and I appreciate it, but COME ON MAN!!!! FO3 was not this [censored] up. I don t [censored] about a freeze here and there, but this is horrible.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:32 pm

Just do this for me please........ Before LR comes out make this game so it will not drop fps like mad if more than 3 people are on screen at once. You had it right before HH, and up until OWB.

LR should be good, and I don t want it ruined because of fps drop.

Ohhhhhhh if there is a vender in LR make sure he/she/it keeps buying my stuff. The [censored] up with the sink vendor in OWB ruined some that dlc for me. It quit buying when I was almost broke, and my armor would not have made it for long, because the enemies were hardasses. I knew I could not pay to get it fixed again, so I had to cut it short. I ll go back once I get everything back to the way I need it, but I didn t want to finish it when I did.

FRAME RATE AND DON T [censored] UP VENDORS. Those should be the #1 priorities IMO. Taking an hour trying to use my pip boy, or excange items with an NPC goes with frame rate drop to me IDK.

I sure hope Bethesda knows how to make a game engine, because this one svcks.
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