Bethesda and Obsidian you are starting to piss me off again!

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:16 am

OK, The drop in frame rate outside in OWB is [censored] horrible. I was trying to soilder through it, but now the sink stopped paying me for [censored] I sell it. It has 36,000 caps, and I have 6,000, this is [censored] once again. I have not finished the main quest yet either.

The drop in frame rate is so [censored] bad outside, that it reminds me of when fo nv was unplayable. I have to shut the game off every half hour so I can play for 20 minutes.

The last patch made the game worse for me. The one before that had it working nice. Im not sure what you guys did, but it did not work.

My advice would be to focus on fps and freezing, and not if a mini gun makes a sound when its not suppose to. You just unequip it, then re-equip it....... problem solved..... I can t solve fps, or a [censored] sink that will not pay me. Now, I just have to blow through it just to get out, because if my armor gets [censored] up again, I don t have a way to make caps to fix it.

Its really sad how [censored] up this game is.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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